Basic Couples Trivia Questions
Warm up with some easy questions about your partner. Consider starting your game with simpler questions so that you can both get comfortable and relaxed. Plus, the answers to these seemingly simple questions might be more complex than you’d think! Especially if you and your S.O. have been together a long time, it’s possible that their answers to these basic Qs have changed…meaning you have a chance to get to know them all over again. As dating coach John Keegan explains, dating is really all about “connecting with new people and learning about them.” What's your partner's favorite color? How do they take their coffee? What's your boo's favorite book? What’s their favorite movie? What's their favorite TV show? What's their favorite band/musical artist? Who's their favorite athlete? What's their favorite song? Can your partner cook? What’s their signature dish? Does your S.O. prefer FaceTime, texting, or calling? What’s your partner’s all-time favorite animal? What’s your partner’s favorite sport? What’s your partner’s favorite board game? What’s your partner’s go-to comfort movie or show? What’s your partner’s title at work? Do they have any tattoos? If so, how many?
Fun Couples Trivia Questions
Keep things light with some fun trivia questions about your S.O. Engaging in fun activities and conversations as a couple can help both of you to feel more positive emotions and have greater overall relationship satisfaction. So, don’t stick to just the serious stuff when it comes to your couples quiz! If you ask each other the questions below and feel like you don’t know enough about your partner’s fun side, try spending more quality time together on silly dates and entertaining activities! What’s your partner’s go-to karaoke song? Which Hogwarts house would your partner be in? What’s your significant other’s spirit animal? Would your partner ever want to be famous? What for? What would your partner do if they won the lottery? If your S.O. could have a superpower, what would they want it to be? What’s your partner’s favorite holiday? If your significant other could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? What’s your partner’s dream vacation destination? What’s your partner’s best-ever Halloween costume? Does your partner sleep in or wake up early? Do they prefer a cozy night in or a wild night out?
Funny Couples Trivia Questions
Get some giggles in by answering these funny Qs with your partner. “[Humor] is a very important thing in any relationship,” affirms Keegan. “Our humor is how we release the stresses in the world, our problems, and the things that bother us.” Accordingly, you and your partner should be able to laugh together and swap funny stories…but can you remember them? The funny questions below will put that to the test! What’s your partner’s go-to dance move at parties? What’s your partner’s guilty pleasure? What’s the most harmless but annoying habit that your partner has? Does your partner have a weird snack or food combo that they love? If they could switch lives with any celebrity for a day, who would it be? What’s the worst haircut your partner has ever had? What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing your partner has ever done while drunk? Has your partner ever peed their pants in public? What would your partner’s walk-up song be? Does your partner talk in their sleep?
Romantic Couples Trivia Questions
Make trivia lovey-dovey with this set of romantic couples quiz questions. Unsurprisingly, the root of any true romance is, well, romance! Paying attention to important details about your partner and your relationship can help make them feel like you care about them and your experiences together. Plus, studies show that sharing nostalgic memories with your S.O. can actually help you bond and feel more positive emotions as a couple. So, dive deep into your relationship past and present with the romantic Qs below! What's their favorite nickname to be called? What’s their love language? Where did you two meet? What color are their eyes? How does your partner define romance? Where did you go on your first date? How many dates did you go on before saying “I love you”? Who says “I love you” most often? What is the first gift that you gave each other? What is the first film you watched together? What’s your “song” as a couple?
“Who Is More…” Questions
Use comparative questions to figure out who’s who in your relationship. One of the most fun and light-hearted ways to examine your relationship with your partner is to bring some yearbook-style superlatives into the mix…aka, some “most likely to” questions! These questions are fun and silly, but they can also help you to get a better understanding of how you each view yourselves and each other. Who is more introverted? Extroverted? Who is more likely to spill a secret? Who is more likely to cry? Who is more disorganized? Who is more likely to say “I’m sorry” first? Who is more of a picky eater? Who is more of a blanket hog in bed? Who is more stubborn? Who is more thoughtful about saving money? Who is more of an adventurous eater? Who is more likely to plan a surprise party? Who is more physically affectionate? Who is more likely to initiate deep conversations? Who is more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
Questions About the Past & Future
See if your partner knows where you’ve been (and where you want to go next). In a committed relationship, it’s equally important to know details of how your partner came to be the person they are today and what they envision for your (hopefully shared) future. According to love coach Kate Dreyfus, this “vulnerable intimacy” involves “sharing challenges you’ve faced in your life to feel exposed…(which allows you to let the light in). And, it’s just as important to ask them to also open up…to create a balance in your vulnerable exchange to support the success of your emotional connection.” What is your partner’s relationship like with their parents? What is your partner’s relationship like with their siblings? Has your partner ever used dating apps? Did your partner have pets growing up? What was their dream job as a child? Would your partner ever want to get a pet in the future? What’s your partner’s favorite childhood memory? What’s your partner’s 5 or 10-year plan? Is your partner still friends with any of their exes? Is your partner open to moving to a new city, state, or country? Did your partner grow up in a religious faith? How does your partner feel about their middle and high school days? What kind of adventures does your partner want to have in the future? What are your partner’s plans for retirement? Are they still in touch with any friends from childhood? How did your partner's last relationship end? Have they ever cheated on a partner or been cheated on?
Questions About Values & Lifestyle
Verify that you and your partner’s values and lifestyle choices align. While you shouldn’t necessarily expect you and your partner to have identical outlooks on life, you should be reasonably aligned on your core values and life goals (which is important for your relationship’s long-term stability and quality). By challenging you and your partner to answer questions about each other’s values, you’ll be able to know if you’re in agreement on these topics—and jumpstart any important discussions if you aren’t. Does your partner want to get married someday? Does your partner want children (or more children, if you have any)? What parenting style do they envision for their children? What are your partner’s political beliefs? Does your partner budget their money? How? What’s your partner’s favorite (and least favorite) thing about their job? Does your partner like to travel? How does your partner like to relieve stress? What’s your S.O.’s main vice? How does your partner feel about visiting their family? Your family? How or with whom does your partner like to spend the holidays? How important is mental health to your partner? Who is your partner’s hero or role model? What role do they want their friends/family to play in your future childrens’ lives? Does your partner want to own a home one day? Does your partner donate to charity? Who are the most important people in your partner's life?
Questions About Communication
Use these trivia questions to communicate about…communication. Communication is often touted as the foundation for successful romantic relationships, but it’s more complicated than it seems! As important as it is to share positive and constructive feelings with your partner, it’s equally important to know how to communicate with your partner in a way that they’ll be able to hear it. With these questions, you’ll be able to better understand (or boast how well you already understand) the ways in which your partner best receives and gives different types of communication. How does your partner prefer to show affection? How does your partner prefer to receive affection? Which is more important to your partner: words of affirmation or acts of service? What does your partner need to feel appreciated? How does your partner show appreciation? What romantic gestures does your partner appreciate? Does your partner easily identify their feelings? What does your partner need after a fight? What does your partner like to talk about at the end of each day? How does your partner bring up uncomfortable topics? How does your partner respond when they’re angry? When do they feel most comfortable and able to be vulnerable? What coping skills does your partner use when they’re upset? When did you have your first fight?
Questions About Sex & Intimacy
Ask some steamy questions to introduce important topics around intimacy. You should definitely include some spicy questions in your couples quiz game—first off, it’s fun and exciting for you and your partner! Secondly, couples’ therapist Kelli Miller explains that “it’s so important to talk to our partners about sex…[both] the emotional piece and the physical piece,” so this game is a good way to introduce these topics in a light-hearted and comfortable way. Just make sure that everyone’s boundaries and limits are respected as you dish out these juicy questions to each other! How often would your partner like to have sex? How does your partner like to be kissed? What does your partner define as “sex”? Is your partner into BDSM or any other kinks? How does your partner feel about watching porn? What are their favorite places to be touched? How does your partner feel about PDA? What’s your partner’s biggest turn-off? What’s your partner’s favorite position? Does your partner prefer a dominant or submissive role in bed? What’s your partner’s favorite thing to hear in bed? How does your partner feel about sexting? What does good sex look like for your partner? What's something non-sexual that turns your partner on? What kind of lingerie is your partner into? What’s your partner’s biggest fantasy? Does your partner like shower sex? Does your partner like to listen to music during sex?
Couples Trivia Questions for a Wedding
Play a trivia game on your big day (starting with these fun questions). Couples trivia games have become a popular feature at weddings since it’s a fun activity for both the guests and the newlyweds! There are a few ways to incorporate the game as part of your “I do” day. Print the questions on Trivial Pursuit-style cards and place them at tables to start up conversations between guests, have a member of the wedding party host a Jeopardy-style whole-group game, or challenge the couple to their very own version of the Newlywed Game. What is one weird habit of the bride? What is one weird habit of the groom? Who is the better driver? Who wears the pants in the relationship? Who takes longer to get ready? How long have you been together? How did you meet? What did the bride wear on the first date? What did the groom wear on the first date? Where did the first kiss happen? Who always gets the last word in? Who is the better singer?
How to Play Couples Trivia
Choose a set of 15-30 questions for each partner to answer about the other. In a traditional game of couples trivia, each person will be asked questions about their partner and be tested on whether they can answer correctly. So, before the game begins, each person must pick out the questions that they want their partner to answer about them. Have them written down somewhere so that they can easily be accessed and asked during the game.
Starting with one set, go through the Qs one by one and write down answers. For the first round, choose one partner to be the “asker” and one to be the “answerer.” Have the “asker” go through the list of questions they’ve picked out and ask them to their partner one by one. Both partners should write their answers down on a small whiteboard or piece of paper.
Take turns revealing the answers to each other. When both players have recorded their answers, they’ll show their answers at the same time to see if the “answerer” gave the same response as the “asker.” Proceed this way through the entire set of questions, then switch roles and repeat with the other partner’s list of trivia Qs. Optionally, keep track of scores and tally up who got the most questions correct (aka, who knew the most about their partner). What if you get a low score? Don’t sweat it if someone gets a few answers wrong. Remember that the point of this game is to feel more in sync with each other and to get to know each other even better—so don’t treat it like a test of your relationship or like a competition against each other. The most important thing is to take the opportunity to better understand your partner.
Take time after each question to talk through the responses as needed. While this game should definitely be fun and lighthearted, it’s also a good way to get to know each other better. So, avoid rushing through the game or getting caught up in distractions during play. Whenever needed, take a moment after a question to really talk through the answers together.
Instructions for Play with Other Couples
If you want to play couples trivia as a fun activity on a double date night, there are a few ways to play the game with another couple (or a few other couples!). Here are a few of the most popular ideas for couples to play and socialize with other romantic pairs: Newlywed Game: Play the trivia game in the same way that you’d play with just your partner, but tally your points and see whether you or the other couple can answer the most questions correctly about each other. Battle of the Sexes: Divide the group into male and female teams, then have the teams compete against each other as they answer trivia questions about their partners or another chosen topic. Couples vs. Couples: Split your group into teams with multiple couples and have the teams compete against each other to answer trivia questions.
How to Choose the Right Questions for Your Game
You probably won’t end up asking each other 100+ couples trivia questions, so how do you choose the best ones for you and your partner? Here are some tips to pick the best questions for you and your partner to challenge each other with (and end up strengthening your bond): Think about your partner’s interests and choose questions that align with them. For example, if they love sports, lean toward questions about favorite athletes, game day routines, and more. Include a variety of question types to keep the game interesting and cover a variety of topics. Select a mix of light-hearted, serious, spicy, and basic questions. Vary the difficulty level so the game feels neither too easy nor too difficult for your partner. This approach will allow for equal moments of challenge and shared success. Personalize the questions to your relationship—don’t just stick to the provided list. If you and your partner have inside jokes, memorable adventures, or other personal moments that you could ask questions about, be sure to include those!
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