The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has released an official notification announcing the rescheduling of the Class 12 physical education examination. Initially scheduled for March 20, the examination will now take place on March 30. This adjustment follows an incident where Class 12 candidates received a question paper intended for Class 11 physical education students due to a packaging error. Consequently, the board has decided to reschedule the examination across the Union Territory.
In its official communication, JKBoSE stated, “It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned that the examination of Physical Education Subject of HSE Part-II (Class 12″), Session Annual (Regular) 2024 for the Soft Zone Areas of U.T of Jammu and Kashmir that was cancelled earlier vide notification No: F(Acad-c)/PP/PEDIAR/ Exam/2024 dated: 20-03-2024 shall now be held on 30-03-2024. The time and venue of the examination shall remain same.”
Students are advised to access the official website of JKBoSE, jkbose.nic.in, for the download link of the admit card. The annual theory examination 2024 for the soft zone commenced on March 6 and was initially scheduled to conclude on March 28. However, with the rescheduling of the physical education exam, the final day of examinations has been extended to March 30.
JKBOSE Class 12 Board Exam 2024: Guidelines
–– Guidelines for JKBOSE Class 12 Board Exam 2024 state that students found using unfair tactics will face disqualification for up to five years.
–– Students are advised not to write their names, school names, or any identifying marks on their answer sheets. They should not bring any exam-related notes or materials, whether handwritten or printed.
–– During the exam, students are prohibited from bringing high-tech devices such as mobile phones, transmitter pens, or Bluetooth headphones. The board has also requested students not to bring any weapons into or near the exam halls.
–– Engaging in activities like helping others cheat, keeping notes, or marking on the body or furniture will also be considered unfair means. Other prohibited actions include behaving inappropriately with officials inside or outside the exam hall, changing seats without permission, or taking the exam at a different test centre.
For further details and updates related to the same, students are advised to check the official website of the board or stay in touch with their school authorities.
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