As the exam dates of session 2 of JEE Main 2024 were clashing with the CBSE class 12 board exam, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has made changes in the dates of the engineering entrance exam. CBSE had released the schedule of class 10 and 12 board exams on December 12, 2023. It was later modified. Whereas NTA released the schedule of JEE Main in September last year. On reviewing both the circulars, it was found that the dates of the examinations were overlapping.
Session 1 of JEE Main 2024 will start on January 24 and conclude on February 1. Whereas the CBSE 12th examinations are going to start on February 15. The class 12th exam will be completed on April 2. The exam will be held on the last day between 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. On this day, there will be examinations for the subjects of Informatics Practice, Computer Science, and Information Technology. The second session of JEE Main is going to be held between April 1 to April 15.
According to NTA Director General Subodh Singh, earlier NTA had scheduled the examination of the second session of JEE Main from April 1 to April 15. Now the second session of JEE Main will be organized after April 3. According to the reports, CBSE had requested NTA to change the date of the exam.
The Bihar Board 12th exam will start on February 1 and will continue till February 12. Here, the session-1 exam of JEE Main will end on February 1 only. Since the class 12 Mathematics paper is on February 2, students who are going to appear in JEE Session-1 may have to face difficulties. Especially for those students whose JEE Main exam centre will be in some other city. However, students have the option to appear in session 2 of JEE Main 2024.
NTA has also announced the release of the JEE Main 2024 session 1 exam city intimation slips for BArch and BPlanning exams. Candidates who successfully submitted their JEE Main application forms can now access their respective exam city slips by logging into the official portal at jeemain.nta.ac.in.
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