US Couple Finds Secret Room Behind Hidden Sliding Wall While Renovating Their House
US Couple Finds Secret Room Behind Hidden Sliding Wall While Renovating Their House
In a video posted earlier this month, Blazingstar said that she and her husband have lived in this house for 4 years and have never seen this to date.

A couple has found a secret room inside the house they’d lived in for years before, and this has sparked social media to create several theories on how the previous tenants used the space. A forensic nurse on TikTok, Aurora Blazingstar informed fans how her physician husband pushed a portion of a wall out of the way to reveal an open metal door and a small room inside their walls.

In a video posted earlier this month, Blazingstar said that she and her husband have lived in this house for 4 years and have never seen this to date. As revealed in the TikTok video, the secret room was discovered when Blazingstar and her husband were removing carpet in their basement, only to discover a “sliding drywall pocket door”. The couple claimed they recently came across the room because the sliding wall was behind a large bookshelf. The only part of the bookshelf that was out of place was missing drywall at the base of the wall.

The couple has thought of many instances in which the former homeowners must have used the room such as a bomb shelter, panic room, and gun safe. The elongated room contained a working light switch and bulb, many wires hanging on the wall, a drain, four mats, and “rust” patches on the floor. It was the patches that captured the concern of the forensic nurse who suggested her husband call the police and bring in a cadaver dog to investigate. Cadaver dogs are specially trained to use their sense of smell to locate human remains and alert people to them. The local police were eventually called up to investigate the room but they found no evidence of any crime as revealed by Blazingstar in another video.

Her husband feels that this room was used as a panic room by the previous homeowners. This is not the only room that the forensic nurse and her physician husband had located. They had discovered another room located upstairs behind a wall mirror which is used as her children’s playroom. In the subsequent videos, the couple showed their children the room, with their older daughter stepping inside barefoot while the youngest son carried what resembled a cross with him.

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