Trending: US Radio Station’s 200-Foot Tower Stolen Overnight
Trending: US Radio Station’s 200-Foot Tower Stolen Overnight
Reports indicate that the thieves also vandalised a nearby building, leaving wires strewn across the ground and causing significant damage.

In a bizarre event, a radio station in the American state of Alabama, WJLX, found itself forced into silence after thieves made off with its 200-foot radio tower and other crucial broadcasting equipment. The incident, which has left both station personnel and local authorities baffled, occurred behind the Mar-Jac Poultry processing plant in Jasper, Alabama.

The discovery was made when a landscaping crew, tasked with spring cleaning the area, arrived at the site on Friday morning only to find the towering structure missing. Brett Elmore, the general manager of WJLX, recounted his disbelief upon receiving the news to NBC News. “What do you mean the tower is gone? Are you sure you’re in the right place?” he exclaimed.

The theft, however, extended beyond the radio tower itself. Reports indicate that the thieves also vandalised a nearby building, leaving wires strewn across the ground and causing significant damage. Every piece of equipment vital for broadcasting, including a transmitter, was stripped from the premises, leaving the station in a state of disarray.

Jasper Mayor David O’Mary expressed his concern over the incident, highlighting the lack of information hindering a thorough investigation. Despite the efforts of law enforcement, including a meeting between the station owner and investigators, crucial details surrounding the theft remain elusive.

“I have been in the radio business, around it all my life and then in it professionally for 26 years and I can say I have never heard of anything like this,” he informed FOX affiliate WBRC.

The repercussions of the theft extend beyond the confines of the station itself. WJLX was compelled to notify the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of its silence, seeking temporary authority to continue broadcasting via FM radio. Unfortunately, their request was denied, further complicating their efforts to stay on the air.

Elmore further conveyed to the news outlet that regrettably, the site lacked insurance coverage. Despite being a small market station, he asserted their commitment to recovery.

Elmore elaborated that the tower is ensconced within a densely wooded area, as reported by “You would have to know it’s back there. It’s hard to get to and there’s only one way in and one way out. It’s a dead-end road.”

According to ABC affiliate WBMA-DT, David DuBose, President of TownSquare Media market, emphasised the stringent security measures in place at their facilities. He stated that all areas are fenced, gated and equipped with no trespassing signs. Additionally, motion-detecting cameras are installed to alert personnel in the event of any movement.

Sharon Tinsley, President of the Alabama Broadcasters Association, voiced concerns regarding the disappearance of the tower, as reported by WBMA-DT. Tinsley highlighted the potential public safety implications, questioning what would happen in the event of a crisis requiring vital information from local radio stations. She emphasised the urgency of the situation, reaching out to individuals in hopes of garnering support to aid WJLX in replacing the stolen equipment.

Individuals possessing information pertinent to the case are urged to contact the Jasper police at 205-221-2121.

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