A heartwarming photo that encapsulates the dedication of teachers is going viral. This photo shows Alejandro Navarro, grading assignments from his hospital bed on his laptop. A day after this photo was taken, Navarro passed away. It was shared by Navarro’s daughter Sandra Venegas on Facebook in 2020. While sharing this photo, Sandra Venegas wrote that her dad packed his laptop and charger while he was being admitted because he was “worried about finalising grades for progress reports.” She highlighted how many teachers work overtime even during the pandemic and rarely get any recognition for that.
She wrote, “I wish I would have closed his laptop and enjoyed spending time with him. Teachers put in so many extra hours, hours that many don’t realise. Even during a pandemic, even during a health crisis, teachers worry about completing their duties.” Urging people to stop teachers from overworking she added, “If you are married to a teacher, help them set boundaries. If you are the daughter/son of one, don’t let them work once they’re home.”
Recently, a popular Instagram page called Not Common Facts shared Alejandro Navarro’s above-mentioned photo. This post raked in over 72,000 likes.
A post shared by Not Common Facts ™ (@notcommonfacts)
Commenting on it, an Instagram user recalled, “My parents are both teachers, and I get to see the immense amount of work that they put in for their students, so much of it goes unrecognised, and they have a genuine care for what they’re doing and the lives they’re impacting. Respect to all teachers, may this man rest in peace.”
Praising Navarro’s hard work and commitment, a person wrote, “He did everything he was supposed to do the right way and the Earth did everything he was supposed to do as best as he could I could tell and now he’s in a much better place, Rest in Heaven.”
Another person remarked, “I feel so bad for teachers. Underpaid and dealing with disrespectful brats because parents don’t parent anymore. They deserve much better. God bless this man and may he rest in peace.”
A user also noted, “It’s might be poignant, but honestly it’s sad AF that this man could focus on his own health during such a time. Work should have NEVER entered his mind before leaving for the ER.”
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