Thailand Students Give Ghost-free Certificates For Haunted Places
Thailand Students Give Ghost-free Certificates For Haunted Places
A 21-year-old student saw a problem that real estate agents were struggling with, i.e. selling homes where paranormal energy existed.

In a recent discovery, two students from Thailand came up with an outstanding business idea. The students spend nights in problematic houses and apartments to make sure the surroundings are free of ghosts and paranormal energy.

A 21-year-old student named Wifei Cheng from the Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna in Chiang Mai province saw a problem that real estate agents were struggling with, i.e. selling homes where paranormal energy existed. These young entrepreneurs have managed to run their businesses alongside their academic pursuits.

The 21-year-old got the idea to offer certificates for ghost-free homes. Together with his colleague, 22-year-old Sretthawut Boonprakhong, he started promoting their services on social media. The duo offered to stay overnight in homes with paranormal energy and then give certificates stating they were free of ghostly phenomena. This provided reassurance to potential buyers and renters.

Thai news publication The Nation featured the two young Ghostbusters last month, and their smart business idea became popular online within a short span. The duo recently started to promote their services on social media but hadn’t found any clients yet. Still, Cheng believed there was a demand for ghost-free home certifications. They hadn’t decided on a price for the service, but Cheng mentioned that they were open to negotiation depending on the assignment.

The 21-year-old also stated, “I’m willing to take on similar tasks, such as spending the night at funerals or other haunted locations.” Boonprakhong admitted to being frightened of ghosts. He explained that this job would help him believe that ghosts aren’t real and earn some money. But as a precaution, he always brings along useful tools in case ghosts do exist.

The Thai student mentioned, “Just to be safe, I’d bring along sacred amulets if I ever got an assignment like that.'” Apart from this, they offer other services too. Although they began the service together, they haven’t decided on fixed prices yet. Besides checking haunted houses, they also offer overnight stays in crematoriums.

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