If you travel by train and purchase a water bottle from the railway station, then you should be careful. You might get sick from this contaminated water. Some pictures have come from Jabalpur station in Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps after watching this video, you will definitely be surprised and think twice before buying a water bottle from the railway station. Local18 in an exclusive video captured a shocking process that has panicked all those who buy water bottles from the junction. In the clip, an illegal vendor is seen collecting the water bottles thrown by the passengers. Then he fills the bottles and sells them to passengers.
In the video, it is clearly visible that first, the vendor is picking up the water bottles thrown from the platform of Jabalpur railway station. After collecting those bottles, he takes them to a place made by him, that is an empty box, after packing them in a polythene bag. There are used bottles stored in that polythene bag, which the illegal vendor picks up and takes to the drinking water stall of the railway station. The same bottles are being filled again and given to the passengers.
They target the passengers of the general coach, but this work is done so cleanly that the passengers do not even get to know of it. When the train stops at the station, then such vendors target the general coach and sell this water bottle for Rs 20. These water bottles are not even sealed. When we spoke to the passenger who had bought this bottle from the vendor, then that passenger coming from Nagpur told us that the train was about to leave. In a hurry, he bought the water bottle for Rs 20.
The Local18 team further talked to Jabalpur division’s senior DCM, Dr Madhur Verma, about this video. He took immediate action and handed him over to the RPF. The vendor was taken into custody. Senior DCM said that action is being taken by the railway continuously. “Railway’s water is clean, but we don’t guarantee about the water bottles that how clean is that bottle. Strict action will be taken against such illegal vendors,” he said.
He further said that passengers also need to be aware. If the bottle is not sealed, then avoid taking water bottles from the vendors. If illegal vendors sell food items or water bottles in this manner, then definitely inform the railways. Along with this, buy food items from those vendors who are wearing ID cards. After the video surfaced, the railway department came into action. Now, a campaign will also be run against such illegal vendors in all stations.
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