Millionaire Bryan Johnson, Who Is Trying To Age Backwards, ‘Edits’ DNA To Live Forever
Millionaire Bryan Johnson, Who Is Trying To Age Backwards, ‘Edits’ DNA To Live Forever
Bryan Johnson recently went to the secluded island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras for gene therapy.

Millionaire tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson has ventured to the secluded island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras for gene therapy, which he believes can help reverse his age. The 46-year-old, in a YouTube video titled “I Edited My DNA on a Secret Island (To Live Forever)," announced that he is travelling to a remote island for an extreme medical procedure. According to the millionaire, the procedure could reportedly change the future of humanity.

The experimental treatment is worth $20,000 (approximately Rs 16 lakh) and is aimed at editing his DNA to drastically slow down the ageing process.

Before this, the entrepreneur, who is spending millions of dollars to reverse his ageing process, took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to claim that he had achieved a mega milestone in his anti-ageing mission. Bryan said that he has reversed his biological age by five years.

He shared a video and said, “For every 12 months that pass, I only age 7.6 months now." His meticulous regimen has given him the heart of a 37-year-old, the fitness of an 18-year-old and the skin of a 28-year-old.

The millionaire also shared that he spends nearly $2 million every year to maintain a rigorous lifestyle that helps him stay younger and fitter.

Minicircle, a biohacking company at the forefront of gene therapy, is based in Roatan.

The wealthy tech entrepreneur, known for his anti-ageing quest, has launched Project Blueprint, which delves into the field of longevity research. The follistatin gene therapy involves subcutaneous injections of a specially designed plasmid and a DNA loop that can be loaded with specific genes.

While the therapy promises significant improvements in muscle strength, slower ageing, and other benefits, Johnson initially avoided gene therapy due to its risks. Elaborating further, he said, “If a therapy caused, say, cancer in my body, there would be nothing I could do to reverse the process."

However, Minicircle’s gene therapy includes a safety mechanism called a “kill switch" that can deactivate the injected DNA if adverse effects occur.

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