Internet Is Upset After Knowing About Chin Dimples, Here's How They Look
Internet Is Upset After Knowing About Chin Dimples, Here's How They Look
Viral video explains that these facial anomalies are the result of a peculiar muscle residing beneath the mouth, which exerts pressure on the skin, leaving an indented mark.

The human body is a captivating and intricate marvel, filled with complexities that spark interest and fascination. Understanding its intricacies can unveil a world of wonder, from the synchronised muscles facilitating movement to the rhythmic pump of the heart circulating life-sustaining blood. However, this fascination comes with its share of peculiarities that, at times, venture into the functioning of some body parts seems peculiar and bizarre. This is the case with a recent video that went viral for explaining the functioning of a facial feature of humans that most of us do not think about very often.

Recently, a user tried to explain the phenomenon behind chin dimples turned out to be interesting, yet weird. Originally posted on TikTok, this video explains that these facial anomalies are the result of a peculiar muscle residing beneath the mouth, which exerts pressure on the skin, leaving an indented mark.

Replying to a person who showed his own chin dimples asking, “What is this thing?", Vlogger and science enthusiast Hank Green said, “You have correctly identified a weird muscle, well done."

Further, he continued, “Almost every muscle in your body connects a bone to another bone."

“Your bones yank on each other and that’s how you move. There are other muscles, like sphincters, that just yank on themselves," he added.

“The heart is a totally different kind of muscle that also yanks on itself to pump your blood around," explained Green.

Green also shared an image showcasing the mentalis muscle in action, its tiny fibers penetrating the skin during contraction. He remarked on the peculiar nature of this phenomenon, humorously adding, “It’s a little weird. We’re all made out of meat."

Watch the video here:

However, the revelation didn’t sit well with some viewers. Responses ranged from expressions of discomfort to outright aversion. According to Ladbible, one viewer, while appreciating Green’s explanation, pleaded, “Never speak of this again." Another admitted feeling nauseous, and a third lamented, “I am so upset that I now know this information."

A particularly disturbed reader expressed, “I’m sorry but I REALLY hate knowing this, and it’s gonna haunt me for a long time."

Further, The Sun shared insights from Aesthetics Life medical spa that reiterated Green’s explanation, stating that a dimpled chin results from variations in the contraction of the mentalis muscle when opening and closing the mouth. This contraction leads to the insertion of the muscle’s fibers into the dermis, causing the distinctive dimpling effect.

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