Twitter Circles Is Coming To More Users: What Is The New 'Close Friends' Like Feature And How It Works
Twitter Circles Is Coming To More Users: What Is The New 'Close Friends' Like Feature And How It Works
To add a tweet to Circle, all you need to do is compose a tweet and in that window, you will see a dropdown menu that reads "Everyone." The option to add a circle will be there in the dropdown menu.

Twitter recently launched a new feature called ‘Circle’ and now the micro-blogging site is rolling out the feature to more users. Twitter Circle allows users to send out tweets to a specific set of people rather than the with the whole platform. In this article, we will explain to you what Twitter Circle is and how it works, and finally, how to use Twitter Circle.


The feature, which allows users to choose up to 150 people, works a lot like Instagram’s Close Friends, as it allows users to send out tweets to a specific group of people rather than all of Twitter. Users have have to select the 150 people and they can be added or removed from the ‘Circle’ list at any time. Only those in a Circle can see a tweet shared with them. Every tweet will have a note saying, “Only people in @[yourusername]’s Twitter Circle can see this tweet.” Tweets shared with Circles can not be retweeted, even by those who are in the exclusive list. They can, however, download or screenshot the said tweet. Twitter’s community guidelines still apply even if you are sending your tweets out to a smaller audience.

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To know whether you have Twitter Circle, you need to update your app or go to and log in. Then, compose a tweet and in that window, you will see a dropdown menu that reads “Everyone.” The option to add a circle will be there in the dropdown menu.

It is not known as to how many people currently have access to the feature. It is still in the testing phase, according to Twitter. “We are still currently testing Twitter Circle with a group of people across iOS, Android and Web globally,” Joseph Nunez, a Twitter spokesperson was quoted in a report from The Verge. “The feature has not rolled out widely to everyone yet as we continue to gather feedback,” he said. Twitter, in its blog post said that Twitter Circle is available to a limited number of people globally on Twitter for iOS, Twitter for Android and “If Twitter Circle is available to you, you’ll see the option to create a Circle when you compose a new Tweet,” the company said.

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To add a tweet to Circle, all you need to do is compose a tweet and in that window, you will see a dropdown menu that reads “Everyone.” The option to add a circle will be there in the dropdown menu.

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