Using the iOS/Android App
Open up the Reddit app and log in, if you haven't done so already. The process is pretty straightforward. Reddit has its official app currently available to iOS users on iPhone/iPad and Android users. Currently, the mobile website can't crosspost posts.
Find the post you'd like to crosspost. You can only crosspost an original post, and not one that is a crosspost. If you want to crosspost a crosspost, you still must find the original post. If you need to create a post ready for crossposting, you can follow these directions. You can find these posts directly from the subreddit where they originate OR You can find them via a search for terms OR You can find them via the Home feed. For those coming from a crosspost in another subreddit, you can click the original crosspost title link from the crossposted post to open the original post, then follow the upcoming directions.
Begin to share the post. You'll need to open the original link. On Reddit's mobile app, tap the Share arrow once on the complete post. Towards the bottom of the "Share to..." menu, tap the "Community" button in the bottom left corner. This will open your Crosspost dialog box setup.
Build on your crosspost posting's information. On the mobile version, locate the place you'd like to crosspost to from the "Search for a community" box and build onto the title and body text boxes. Reddit will build you a standard crosspost form with information based on the crosspost's original title (in the body), along with a link to the original post. If you want, you can update and add information until it completes the details for the crossposted community needs. To help it move along, you might have to choose a tag or flair (from the tag or flair box), or you might have to provide certain words in the title (r/bugs, Reddit's bug-reporting subreddit), or some other feature helping the snag move along until it brings it up to code and you can crosspost this post over.
Post the Reddit crosspost. On the mobile app version, the Post button will be found in the top right corner. From the mobile crosspost/post creation page, all pieces (including tags that may be needed for some subreddits where the subreddit says it's optional) must be filled in before the Post button will enable! When pieces are left untouched, this button remains disabled.
Using the PC/Mac Website
Open up Reddit and log in if you haven't done so already. Find their website at this official link The process is pretty straightforward. Currently, the mobile website can't crosspost posts. On mobile, you can only crosspost via the app.
Find the post you'd like to crosspost. You can only crosspost an original post, and not one that is a crosspost. If you want to crosspost a crosspost, you still must find the original post. If you need to create a post ready for crossposting, you can follow these directions. You can find these posts directly from the subreddit where they originate OR You can find them via a search for terms OR You can find them via the Home feed. For those coming from a crosspost in another subreddit, you can click the original crosspost title link from the crossposted post to open the original post, then follow the upcoming directions.
Begin to share the post. You'll need to open the original link. Click the original post's title from the Home feed. Click Share on the resultant page, found to the right of the comment or award button below the post. Tap "Crosspost" towards the middle of the list between "Copy link" and "Embed". Clicking Share on a subreddit post on the Homepage doesn't have this feature.
Build on your crosspost posting's information. On both versions, locate the place you'd like to crosspost to from the "Search for a community" box and build onto the title and body text boxes. Reddit will build you a standard crosspost form with information based on the crosspost's original title (in the body), along with a link to the original post. If you want, you can update and add information until it completes the details for the crossposted community needs. To help it move along, you might have to choose a tag or flair (from the tag or flair box), or you might have to provide certain words in the title (r/bugs, Reddit's bug-reporting subreddit), or resolve any remaining errors. When all is good, you will be able to crosspost this post over.
Post the Reddit crosspost. You will find this button below the link to the original post to the right of the Save Draft button.
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