Dhanbad Scores 95.3 Percent 4G Availability, Highest Among 50 Indian Cities
Dhanbad Scores 95.3 Percent 4G Availability, Highest Among 50 Indian Cities
There are no popular cities in the top 10. Delhi and Mumbai are in the lower of the table with scores just shy of 90 percent, behind Hyderabad’s 90.5 percent.

According to OpenSignal's measurements for 4G availability, Dhanbad scored 95.3 percent, becoming one of only two cities among India’s 50 cities to pass the 95 percent mark. The other city was Ranchi which scored 95 percent in 4G availability.

Notably, both Ranchi and Dhanbad are two cities in Jharkhand and they are the only two cities to have over 95 percent of 4G coverage. In a slightly unlikely third place, the list saw Srinagar that was just shy of the 95 percent mark with a 4G availability score of 94.9 percent. In fourth place we saw the much-larger metropolis of Raipur, which scored 94.8 percent in the measurements, followed by Patna with 94.5 percent.

Notably, there are no popular cities in the top 10. Delhi and Mumbai are in the lower-end of the table with scores close to 90 percent, behind Hyderabad’s 90.5 percent. Bengaluru, which is also known as Garden city of India is also present in mid-table with 92.3 percent coverage, while Ahmedabad scored 92.7 percent.

In OpenSignal’s most recent India Mobile Network Experience report, new entrant Jio’s national 4G Availability score was 96.7 percent — over 20 percentage points ahead of its main rivals Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea. Jio, being an LTE-only operator has many advantages over other telcos which are GSM operators in the country.

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