A Lucky Couple Can Live For Free On This Peaceful Island, But There Will be No Wi-Fi
A Lucky Couple Can Live For Free On This Peaceful Island, But There Will be No Wi-Fi
Job of the year, we can safely say. More than 23,000 people have already applied.

Are you totally fed up of the daily stresses of life? Irritated by the constant need to balance work and personal life? Want to go away somewhere peaceful and away from the maddening crowds? There could be a job that you might want to apply for. And do it fast, because more than 23,000 interested candidates have already put in their applications. This all started on Twitter when the Great Blasket Island’s official handle (@gbisland) tweeted out a job posting earlier this month. The primary KRAs—manage a coffee shop on the island and manage three island accommodation properties. Remember, there is no Wi-Fi though. Hot water is in limited supply. And there is no electricity.

“A unique position required - looking for long term management of Island Accommodation and Coffee Shop. Couple or two friends. 1st April 2020 - October 2020 accommodation and food provided,” the original job posting said. The other advantages include no morning rush hour, no fight for parking spots and you may even spot the Basking Shark in the pristine clear waters of the Dingle Bay. In a series of tweets since, @gbisland have said, “We are beyond overwhelmed at the response for the job post. Posting the advert last year, we were concerned we would not find ANYONE. We have received over 23,000 applications. If only we could get everyone who applied to stay for one night , we’d be fully booked for..,” and “the next 30 years ????Again, a HUGE thank you to everyone who took time to apply , we can’t explain how much your interest means to us -So sorry if we haven’t got back to you yet, our inbox is chocca block. Hopefully we will meet you all sometime over the next 30 years. B & A x.”

The successful and might we say incredibly lucky applicants, will live on this two and a half mile squared island which is 2km south west of the mainland. The replies to the job posting tweet have elicited responses from as far as Argentina, Sweden, Iran, Mexico…well, pretty much any and every country you can think of. The Telegraph reports that the Great Blasket Island is also known as An Blascaod Mor and was abandoned in 1954 due to population decline and fears that bad weather conditions would make the island inaccessible to emergency services. The island’s three cottages can accommodate up to 31 guests, who can access the island by ferry from the Dingle Peninsula.

Last year, 27-year-old Lesley Kehoe, and her 29-year old partner Gordon Bond were the winners. The Irish couple had left their jobs in the city to come and take care of the island properties. ““I don’t think either of us are ready to leave the island, it’s become a huge part of our lives and it’s definitely changed us. I think living here has shown us what works for us and what doesn’t and this pace of life definitely suits us,” they had said to the Irish Mirror at the time.

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