After praise for PM, Left talks of nuke consensus
After praise for PM, Left talks of nuke consensus
Bardhan says US rushing officials to India to put pressure on UPA, BJP.

New Delhi: In clear signs that the Left is finally softening and willing to give up some ground to the UPA, the CPI and CPI(M) are now not only showering praise on the PM but also talking of a consensus on the Indo-US nuclear deal.

Days after both the CPI and CPI(M) held Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 'high esteem' in public, the former has now floated the idea of a 'consensus' on the Indo-US nuclear deal. At the same time, the party has however hinted at a hard bargain. "It depends on what action the government takes," CPI General Secretary AB Bardhan says.

"I don't rule out the possibility of finding a consensus. After all, it is not a one-issue or a one-party government but a coalition," Bardhan said on Thursday night.

Bardhan, however, continues to be as harsh on the US. He even accused the US of "rushing to India" its high officials and diplomats to "pressurise the government and the BJP" to go ahead with the deal.

"Never have I seen such high officials descending on the country to persuade. Some times there are allurements, sometime threats and sometime blackmail," he said, adding "but our political parties are capable of withstanding this and strengthen our democratic process."

Asked what would be the next step for the Left parties on the issue, he said: "The CPI National Council has authorised the National Executive and Central Secretariat to take appropriate decisions in consultation with the other Left parties."

Asked whether the response of the CPI and the Left parties would be "tough" against the government after the November 16 meeting of the UPA-Left Committee on the issue, he said 'it all depends on what the government's response is.'

Earlier, CPI National Secretary D Raja had said that "there was never any disrespect or disregard" towards the Prime Minister and the party "always hold him in high respect and high esteem."

The statement came within hours of a remark by CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat hailing the PM for his "unquestioned integrity'.

On the nuclear deal impasse, Raja, too, talked of 'some solution'. "Let us wait how we are going to sort out these problems and arrive at some findings," he said.

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