The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur has established the department of civil and infrastructure engineering to train a new group of engineers who are capable of designing large-scale infrastructures that are smart, sustainable, and climate change resilient. Currently, the department runs BTech in civil and infrastructure engineering. Other than the regular BTech courses, students would be able to earn dedicated specializations in smart infrastructure, energy, or environment within the four years of the programme.
The course “integrates multiple engineering and science verticals to provide a holistic solution to the civil and infrastructure engineering problems of the country,” said the IIT. Students can convert their BTech to dual-degree (BTech-MTech) and can earn a dual-degree in either energy or environment within five years, it added.
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The IIT has claimed that the BTech programme of the department “is the first in the country to introduce two dedicated groups of high-demand courses” — infrastructure engineering, and smart infrastructure systems.
Infrastructure Engineering: The courses under infrastructure engineering deal with the planning, construction, and operation of large-scale telecom and IT infrastructures, railway, airport, and ship-port design, infrastructure planning, management, and engineering, thermal and nuclear power infrastructure engineering, and green building and sustainable materials.
Smart Infrastructure Systems: The smart infrastructure offers courses on the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning in civil and engineering, cyber-physical systems in civil engineering, digital twin for asset management, intelligent buildings, and surveillance and security of infrastructures.
The department also runs two MTech and MTech-PhD programmes in infrastructure engineering with specialization energy and infrastructure engineering with specialization in environmental engineering.
“All the courses have been designed in close consultation with the industry in India and abroad. Students graduating from these courses will be exceptionally trained in smart infrastructure systems and skilled in applying AI/ML to build digitalized construction and monitoring systems for large-scale infrastructures,” said IIT Jodhpur.
Talking about the unique feature of this department, Dr Ranju Mohan, Head, Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, IIT Jodhpur, said, “Our aim is to produce next-generation engineers through adaptive, flexible and interdisciplinary training programs rooted through cohesive interaction with research organizations, academicians and industries. The curriculum of our UG and PG program is aligned with this aim. Through ongoing collaborations, faculties aim to create a co-creation platform that enables multiple players /stakeholders in civil and infrastructure firms to bring solutions for various societal issues under a common store.”
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