HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY 2022: The boom of social media has made the world smaller by bridging geographic gaps and allowing information to pass with just a click of a button. Amidst this, social networking sites and applications just accelerate the process by giving people a platform to connect and communicate with new people. While some believe that social media can have adverse effects on friendships, there are people who also inherently support its usage.
Meanwhile, friendship is considered one of the purest bonds that a person can share with another. To celebrate the existence of friends in one’s life every year the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship Day in India. To mark the special occasion, here we have compiled a few positive and negative effects of the boom of technology and social media that have occurred on friendships in modern times.
What are the positive effects of social media on friendship?
- It helps people stay connectedNo matter how far you are from your friends in distance, social media aptly bridges all the gaps. You don’t have to be physically present to be there for your friend; a phone call, text message, or video call now helps you stay connected.
- Better communicationSocial media builds communication to a whole new level. Not only can you connect with people who you meet daily, but you can also find others who share similar interests and hobbies like you via social media.
- Boosts confidenceIt is best for introverts who find it difficult to express themselves in front of a huge crowd. The fear of being left out is reduced to some level.
- Opens a wide doorSocial media opens up a whole new virtual door with opportunities in fields that one might want to foray into. It has communities for all sorts of people, be it elderlies who might want to connect with people to share similar viewpoints on serious topics or teens who plan to do something creative together.
What are the negative effects of social media on friendship?
- Sets unachievable standardsSometimes, what is a piece of cake for others might not be easy for you, and with a plethora of content available online it sets unachievable goals in minds of people, thereby making them feel unhappy and distressed.
- Oversharing of personal informationYou might not want to share all aspects of your friendship with another but indirectly social media overshares personal information about one’s life. Maybe it could be a picture of your dinner get-together that can alert people about your location.
- Less scope for quality timeWhat might be a positive effect can turn negative if it is overdone. Only using social media to connect with your friends reduces the amount of quality time that you could spend together if not for video calls and text messages. One should know how to separate virtual communications from reality.
- Addiction affects health adverselySpending too much time online can adversely affect one’s health. Too much screen time is bad for the eyes and addiction to social media will make you lose on to many things in life.
In brevity, it all comes down to users and their choices that determine if social media is good or bad for you. Therefore, on Friendship Day 2022, make sure that along with posting photos with your friends, you also make time to interact with them in person.
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