Solving Rule 9 in the Password Game
Convert 5x7 or 1x35 to the Roman numerals VxVII or IxXXXV. Advanced Math Teacher Taylor Klein says, “The first way you can factor a number is by finding its factor pairs.” Basically, you have to find the multiplication problem that equals 35. So, 5x7=35 or 1x35=35. For Rule 9, you only need to convert one set of factor pairs to Roman numerals. Choose VxVII (5x7) or IxXXXV (1x35) and add it to your password. It doesn’t really matter which factor pair you pick this early in the game, especially since Roman numerals always appear as capital letters in this game. Make sure you separate the 2 Roman numerals with an “x” when you add them to your password. If you type the 2 Roman numerals together without the “x,” the game interprets them as a different Roman numeral. The capital letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are Roman numerals, so don’t use them in any other part of your password, or they will count toward Rule 9, and you won’t pass. If you must use one of those letters, make sure it’s not capitalized.
Tips for Other Rules in the Password Game
Play Wordle or do an internet search to find the answer to pass Rule 11. Rule 11 asks you to include the day’s Wordle answer in your password. Wordle is a web-based word game where you get 6 tries to guess a 5-letter word. If you play Wordle every day, you shouldn’t have any trouble with this rule. Even if you don’t guess the word in 6 tries, the correct answer is displayed over the top of the Wordle tiles after your last incorrect guess. If you don’t play Wordle and want to skip making 6 wrong guesses, simply do a Google search for “today’s Wordle answer.” Or check RockPaperShotgun.com for a list of past Wordle answers organized by date.
Look at a Periodic Table of Elements to beat Rules 12 & 18. Rule 12 asks you to include a 2-letter symbol from the periodic table. Rule 18 requires that the elements in your password have atomic numbers that add up to 200. Use the 2-letter element symbols you chose for Rule 12 to find the atomic numbers on the periodic table. Add the numbers together, then swap out elements until the atomic numbers add up to 200. Some elements on the periodic table have a single capital letter as their symbol. If those capital letters are anywhere in your password, they count toward the total of the atomic numbers for Rule 18. I and V are both symbols for elements and Roman Numerals, so their atomic numbers count toward Rule 18 but must stay capital letters to count for Rule 12. C is the symbol for carbon on the periodic table and the Roman numeral for 100. Avoid using it for Rule 18 so you don’t break Rule 9.
For Rule 13, look up the current moon phase and find the matching emoji. Rule 13 asks that your password include the current phase of the moon as an emoji. Check TheSkyLive.com to get the current moon phase. Then, match the moon phase to the emojis below and copy/paste it into your password. New Moon – ???? Waxing Crescent Moon – ???? First Quarter Moon – ???? Waxing Gibbous Moon – ???? Full Moon – ???? Waning Gibbous Moon – ???? Last Quarter Moon – ???? Waning Crescent Moon – ????
Use a reverse image search to solve Rule 14. Rule 14 asks you to include the country pictured in a randomly generated image of a location, and it can be very tricky, depending on the image you get. One way to solve it is to look for clues in the image, like street names, languages on signs, architecture, or license plates on vehicles. But it might be easier to take a screen capture of the image and do a reverse image search. In most cases, a reverse image search will give you the name of the country, city, or prominent landmark in the image. If the image doesn’t list the country, just type the information provided into a search engine to find the country.
For Rule 16, use a chess notation website. Rule 16 shows you a chessboard with pieces and asks you to include the best move in algebraic notation in your password. Not only do you have to know what the best move is, but you also have to understand algebraic chess notations. And to make it worse, there’s a different setup for every player. If you’re already a chess master, go to it! If you don’t have a clue about chess, there’s a way for you to quickly find the right answer. Go to NextChessMove.com. Arrange the pieces at NextChessMove to match the pieces on the Password Game board. Click Calculate Next Move, then copy and paste the algebraic notation into your password.
Keep Paul the Egg/Chicken alive to pass Rules 17, 20, and 23. Rule 17 introduces you to Paul the Egg and asks you to paste the egg emoji ???? into your password. In Rule 20, your password catches fire, with the fire emoji ????taking the place of the characters in your password. Then, in Rule 23, Paul the Egg hatches into a chicken. The rule asks you to feed him 3 caterpillars ????each minute. Make a note of your password before completing Rule 19. Delete Rule 20’s fire quickly, or Paul the Egg will die, ending the game. The fire starts at a random location in your password, so be ready. Do not accidentally delete Paul the Egg or he dies, and your game is over! Feed Paul the Chicken a caterpillar ???? by pasting it in front of him. Don’t forget to feed him, and don’t feed him more than 3 caterpillars in a minute. Set a timer to help you keep track.
Use YouTube’s Filter feature to pass Rule 24. This rule asks you to find a YouTube video of a specific length and then paste its URL into the password. The length of time is randomly generated, so the answer is different for each player. Scanning YouTube for a video that’s exactly the right length could take hours…and don’t forget you have to feed Paul every 60 seconds! Narrow down the search by using YouTube’s Filter feature. On your phone: Tap the magnifying glass icon and search for any subject. Tap ⋮ in the top-right corner, then tap Search filters. On your computer: Go to YouTube.com and type any search into the search bar, then click Filters at the top-right corner of the page. Under Duration, select Under 4 minutes, 4 - 20 minutes, and Over 20 minutes depending on the length Rule 24 asked for. Scan the filtered results for a video with a length that matches the requested time and copy/paste its URL into your password.
Note your full password before you complete Rule 35 to win the game. When you see Rule 35 only asks you to include the current time, you’ll probably breathe a sigh of relief. Not so fast! Before adding the time, take a second to note the rest of your password. As soon as you enter the time, your password will disappear, and you’ll be asked to reenter it exactly as it was before to verify it. Instead of writing out all the characters, just highlight the password and click Ctrl+C to copy it before adding the time. Type in the time, and remember it or write it down. When your password disappears, click Ctrl+V to paste the password and then add in the exact time you typed before.
Watch for broken past rules as you play. You pass many rules automatically because the answers to previous rules also meet their requirements. However, passing new rules can, and often does, break the rules you previously passed. Keep an eye out for broken rules so you can correct them to keep going. The game displays broken rules in red to help you figure out which ones you have to pass again.
Full List of the Password Game Rules
Familiarize yourself with all the rules to improve your chances. Knowing what rules are coming up can help you make better choices early in the game when they’re a little easier to pass. Here’s the full list of Password Game rules to help you strategize your way to victory! Rule 1: Your Password must be at least 5 characters. Rule 2: Your password must include a number. Rule 3: Your password must include an uppercase letter. Rule 4: Your password must include a special character. Rule 5: The digits in your password must add up to 25. Rule 6: Your password must include a month of the year. Rule 7: Your password must include a Roman numeral. Rule 8: Your password must include one of our sponsors. Rule 9: The Roman numerals in your password should multiply to 35. Rule 10: Your password must include this CAPTCHA. Rule 11: Your password must include today’s Wordle answer. Rule 12: Your password must include a two-letter symbol from the periodic table. Rule 13: Your password must include the current phase of the moon as an emoji. Rule 14: Your password must include the name of this country. Rule 15: Your password must include a leap year. Rule 16: Your password must include the best move in algebraic chess notation. Rule 17: ???? This my chicken Paul. He hasn’t hatched yet. Please put him in your password and keep him safe. Rule 18: The elements in your password must have atomic numbers that add up to 200. Rule 19: All the vowels in your password must be bolded. Rule 20: Oh no! Your password is on fire ????. Quick, put it out! Rule 21: Your password is not strong enough Rule 22: Your password must contain one of the following affirmations: I am loved|I am worthy|I am enough Rule 23: Paul has hatched????! Please don’t forget to feed him. He eats three ???? every minute. Rule 24: Your password must include the URL of a YouTube video of this exact length. Rule 25: A sacrifice must be made. Pick 2 letters that you will no longer be able to use. Rule 26: Your password must contain twice as many italic characters as bold. Rule 27: At least 30% of your password must be in the Wingdings font. Rule 28: Your password must include this color in hex. Rule 29: All Roman numerals must be in Times New Roman. Rule 30: The font size of every digit must be equal to its square. Rule 31: Every instance of the same letter must have a different font size. Rule 32: Your password must include the length of your password. Rule 33: The length of your password must be a prime number. Rule 34: This rule is skipped! Rule 35: Your password must include the current time.
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