The national-level MBA entrance exam, CAT 2022 notification is soon going to be shared by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM). All the important details regarding the CAT 2022, including the exam dates, registration, eligibility, and exam pattern, will be shared along with the official notification. According to media reports, the notice is expected tomorrow, July 31. Once available, aspirants would be able to download it through the online portal, iimcat.ac.in.
The registration process for CAT 2022 is expected to start in the first week of August. The entrance exam is held on a rotating basis by IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode, and IIM Indore. Last year the exam was conducted by IIM Ahmedabad. However, it has been reported that the CAT 2022 entrance will be administered by IIM Bangalore. The cities where the exam is going to be held will be mentioned in the notification itself.
Read: GATE 2023 Notification Out: Online Registration From August 30, Exam From February 4
CAT 2022: Eligibility
As per the basic CAT eligibility requirements, candidates who have a bachelor’s degree from a recognised institute are eligible to apply.
CAT 2022: Application fee
In 2021, IIM Ahmedabad increased the CAT registration fees for the general category from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 2,200. Whereas the fee for the reserved category increased from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 1,100. The amount for the application fee this year can be around these figures only.
CAT 2022: Exam Pattern
The CAT 2022 examination will be conducted in a CBT mode with both MCQs and non-MCQs. It will last for 120 minutes. Now, with the revised exam pattern introduced last year, the CAT 2022 will consist of 66 questions divided into three sections: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability. Three marks are awarded for each correct answer, while each incorrect attempt will lead to a one-mark deduction. All aspirants are strongly recommended to keep an eye on the website, iimcat.ac.in, to have a look at the official notice as soon as it’s out.
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