World White Cane Day 2023: History, Significance, Quotes and How to Celebrate
World White Cane Day 2023: History, Significance, Quotes and How to Celebrate
World White Cane Day, also known as White Cane Safety Day, is observed on October 15 every year. It holds a major significance among the blind population.

WORLD WHITE CANE DAY 2023: Observed every year on October 15, World White Cane Day day holds major significance, especially among the blind population. For the unversed, the white cane is an important mobility tool that was mainly invented for blind people and has been in use for centuries now. With time, the tool has now become a support system for blind people, becoming a symbol of freedom, independence, and confidence for them as they are now capable of moving freely and doing their own daily tasks independently. With the use of a cane, blind people use their hearing and touching senses to understand the environment and carry out their tasks easily.

Considering the significance that it holds, World White Cane Day is observed to recognise the importance of blind people, and their active participation in society and to celebrate independence. Ahead of World White Cane Day 2023, let’s take a look at its history, significance and other important things.

World White Cane Day: History

While sticks and canes were used by blind people for centuries, there was still a lack of trust that blind people could not travel on their own. It was finally in the 1960s when the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) started a fight against the solution and for the independence of the blind people. On this line, it urged the United States Congress to issue a joint resolution to observe White Cane Safety Day, now known as World White Cane Safety Day.

Finally, in 1964, then-US President Lyndon B Johnson celebrated World White Cane Day for the first time. Since then, the white cane has been considered to be an important mobility tool that also symbolises the independence of blind people.

World White Cane Day: Significance

World White Cane Day holds major significance as it is observed to cherish the achievements of people who have won against physical limitations and gained independence from all the bars that came with their blindness. Canes that symbolise the visually impaired person are now also chosen as a symbol to highlight triumph over adversity. While it started out as a day of national observance in the United States, it has now become a globally recognised event.

World White Cane Day: Celebration

On this day, members of the National Federation of the Blind come together with the local communities to organise white cane walks, film screenings, and social events. Also, visually impaired people from all walks of life come together to take part in such events on this day. Other local communities and NGOs also create White Cane Awareness activities in their respective areas to encourage people about its importance and educate the public.

World White Cane Day: Quotes

  • “Blindness can only exist in your mind. One who has a mind’s vision is not blind.”
  • “On the occasion of World White Cane Day, let us honour and appreciate the everyday fight they put out there to achieve their goals with their hard work and dedication.”
  • “The World White Cane Safety Day reminds us that we are so blessed to have eyesight and we must always be thankful for it.”
  • “On the occasion of World White Cane Day, each and every nation should take a pledge to provide equal opportunities to blind people.”
  • “The World White Cane Day provides us the opportunity to feel proud of the achievements of all the blind people in this world.”

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