Many people have at one time or another must have struggled with weight issues. Some were overweight and some were underweight. The weight loss and fitness industry is vast, trying to help individuals whether they are trying to shred or gain. But the fact is with so many pieces of advice, there are quite a lot of misconceptions and myths floating around. A common one was was if you want to lose some weight, stop eating rice and live only on oats. Another one is completely cutting out carbohydrates from a diet.
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Thankfully, more and more people are bringing attention to the fact that weight loss doesn’t need to be that complicated. Nor does it necessitate completely cutting out staple foods like rice, rotis or all carbohydrates from your life either. In order to lose weight, you just need to consume fewer calories than you are burning. Also ensure that you are still getting enough protein, fats and other micronutrients in your weight loss phase.
Nutritionist Bhuvan Rastogi highlighted just this principle on Instagram. Sharing a post, he said, “You can be healthy without giving up any food or food group." He claims that one can get fit without cutting out anything or eating only in small amounts.
“We Indians are giving up on food groups as a result of generic western advice and what changes they usually require. Those words of wisdom don’t work on most Indian diets and are often a waste of time or even backfire," he added.
The nutritionist listed some common myths and misconceptions to be wary of when trying to lose weight.
- Eliminating or reducing carbs as much as possible
- Having an absurdly high protein content
- Eating salads for meals or eating a lot of vegetables with your meals
- Indulging in green juices, ginger turmeric shots, or health shots
- Only using oats in grains
- Avoiding local foods like grains, local sweets, local fruits, chutneys, achaar, and legumes
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