Ghost to Nymeria to Lady, Here’s What Happened to Stark Direvolves in Game of Thrones
Ghost to Nymeria to Lady, Here’s What Happened to Stark Direvolves in Game of Thrones
Direwolves, in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones, have proved to be loyal beasts who never leave the side of their masters.

Going back to Episode 1, Season 1 of Game of Thrones, Ned Stark and his troop finds a dead stag and direwolf on their way. Coincidentally, there were also six direwolf pups hiding near the carcass. On the request of his children, each of the Stark kid gets to keep one pup as a pet, including Jon Snow.

Each one of them gives the pet a unique name. Robb calls his pup Grey Wind, Sansa names her pet Lady, Arya has Nymeria, Bran gets Summer, Rickon named the pup Shaggydog and Jon's direwolf was named Ghost. Since then, along with the Stark kids, these northern animals have also traversed a complex and remarkable journey over the eight seasons. Be it protecting the Stark kids or sacrificing themselves, the northern wolves have stayed faithful to their masters and have stood by them through thick and thin. And eventually, over the years, they have become an integral part of the franchise.

Here's what happened to the direwolves:

Lady and Sansa

Lady was the first direwolf to be killed in the show. After Ned Stark was announced as the hand of the King by Robert Baratheon, his daughters Sansa and Arya travel to King's Landing. On their way, Arya gets into an argument with Joffrey. Nymeria comes to her rescue and bites the Baratheon prince, following which Arya sends her off and Lady has to pay the price.

On the King's order, Lady is executed by Ned Stark and is later buried near the Kingsroad.

Nymeria and Arya Stark

Arya named her direwolf after a warrior queen of Dorne. She sends her off after Nymeria bites Joffrey in season 1. After that, she is not shown in the show until season 7, when Arya finds the direwolf on her way to Riverrun. As per the books, Nymeria is said to be leading a pack of wolves that do not fear men. She refuses Arya's invitation to go home with her, and returns with her pack to the forest.

Robb Stark and Grey Wind

Robb Stark's Grey Wind was as fierce as his masters. Taking down a number of Lannisters, he saw the Starks emerging victorious in various battles. However, he had a cruel end at the Red Wedding when both he and his master were killed by Frey's army and the direwolf's head was mounted on his master's body.

Summer and Bran Stark

For a long time, Summer served as Bran's other form when he warged into the animal to go places North of the Wall. He has been his saviour since the beginning. He rips apart the assassin sent by Cersei to kill him. Likewise, when the cave of the Three Eyed Raven is attacked, he sacrifices himself at the hands of the White Walkers to save Bran from the Night's King and his army.

Shaggydog and Rickon

Rickon adopts Shaggydog. After Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell, the two accompany Bran, Osha, Hodor, and Summer on their journey across the Wall. But Bran sends Osha and Rickon away, to hide in a safe place. They reappear in season six as Bolton's hostage. And to prove Rickon's identity, Smalljon Umber kills him and presents Shaggydog’s severed head to Ramsey.

Ghost and Jon Snow

Ghost, named so because he is as white as a ghost, has been with Jon through thick and thin. The loyal beast was the first one to know that Jon's corpse had come back to life in season 6, and followed him in the great war against the Night King, emerging a survivor. However, instead of following Jon into the last war, he is headed north of the Wall with Tormund Giantsbane.

Jon shows little affection as he walks out the gates of Winterfell leaving Ghost behind. The direwolf's eyes looking at Jon as he leaves reflect the sadness of separation, and that's probably the last of the direwolves we'll see.

(Stills from HBO's Game of Thrones)

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