Struggling With Period Pain? Here's How Nutmeg Can Help
Struggling With Period Pain? Here's How Nutmeg Can Help
This spice is rich in essential nutrients like magnesium, copper and manganese.

Menstrual pain is something women face from a very young age, all through their adult years. Periods often lead to hormonal challenges, physical pain, and mood swings. While the hormonal and emotional challenges caused by periods cannot be controlled externally, there is a solution that has been discovered that can significantly help with the pain. A very commonly used spice, nutmeg, in a shocking revelation has proved to be a game changer for women who have tried it. Nutmeg is used in desserts, and in Indian and Italian cooking widely. This spice can do wonders for women’s health. Its sweet and sharp aroma not only makes lovely dishes but also has health benefits.

Nutmeg is rich in essential nutrients like magnesium, copper and manganese. All these three nutrients are scientifically proven to promote overall well-being in women and for their reproductive health. Nutmeg has been used for many years for improving physical and mental well-being. If nutmeg is mixed with milk, and consumed, it can relieve anxiety and depression and uplift mood. But nutmeg is extremely helpful in reducing menstrual pain and also helps in problems like irregular periods.

The anti-inflammatory properties of nutmeg help in menstrual pain. It also regulates the menstrual cycle by balancing hormones.

Nutmeg is also a great remedy if you are suffering from insomnia; it has natural sedative properties that help induce sleep. A pinch of nutmeg powder mixed with warm milk before bedtime improves sleep quality.

Nutmeg is also rich in digestive properties. It reduces symptoms of flatulence and indigestion. It also helps in reducing nausea, and the anti-inflammatory properties of nutmeg also make it a great home remedy for stomach ulcers.

It also helps to improve cognitive function and mental health. It also does wonders for the skin. Yes. Adding nutmeg to your diet can result in healthy skin. Its antioxidant properties fight against free radicals that cause signs of premature ageing. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of nutmeg can also fight acne and give you clear skin.

It is well known that Indian spices are used in the kitchen to add flavour in food. But spices are not only used for the taste they add to our food. Some spices are known to be good for health as well. Our forefathers have used spices in cooking for their health benefits.

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