Managing Diabetes in Your 20s: Ayurveda Tips for Better Health
Managing Diabetes in Your 20s: Ayurveda Tips for Better Health
By integrating Ayurvedic principles into diabetes management, individuals in their 20s can strive for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle

The lifestyle of people in their 20s often involves juggling between passion, ambition and the complexities of life. Amid this constant race of hustle, health often takes a back seat, especially for people who are trying to manage their diabetes.

In today’s fast-paced life, type 1 diabetes is becoming increasingly prevalent among individuals under the age of 20. Traditional approaches often involve a heavy reliance on external insulin, with a common prescription being “eat anything and keep taking the insulin.”

However, this practice may lead to a concerning trend of escalating insulin usage, reaching as high as 80 units per day by the time individuals reach their 20s – a signal that a reevaluation of management strategies is needed.

Ayurvedic Recommendations that can Help Manage Diabetes in the 20s

Recommending several powerful herbs, Dr Yamuna B. S, Chief Doctor, Guduchi Ayurveda, said, for decades’ people have practised Ayurveda for various kinds of conditions. So, if you are in your early twenties and have diabetes, here are some ayurvedic herbs that diabetic patients must look for in their regular medication.

  1. Look for alternative medicines which contain ayurvedic herbs like Methika, Mashunashini and Amalaki, that help in increasing insulin sensitivity and improving the condition of insulin resistance. Amalaki is a natural herb which is beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  2. If suffering from type 2 diabetes one should consider taking Ayurvedic medication, consisting of a bitter herb named Kiratha Tiktha that helps in reducing sugar cravings and controls blood sugar levels by stimulating the pancreas. Along with these components, make sure that other Ayurvedic ingredients like Asana, Twak, Madhunashini, and Jambuphala are present in the Ayurvedic medications.
  3. A diabetic patient can also look for Ayurvedic combinations like Turmeric with ginger or turmeric with nimba. The combination has anti-diabetic properties that can help improve glucose uptake of cells by reducing insulin resistance.
  4. Patients with severe conditions seeking short-term medicine should do so with care, as relying on life-long medication may result in adverse effects. Looking for ayurvedic components with a good combination might be beneficial in limiting and managing diabetes wisely in a short period of time.
  5. Lastly, Ayurveda emphasises a balanced lifestyle which includes regular exercises, stress management and maintaining a proper sleep cycle.

Do’s and Don’ts for individuals with diabetes:

Managing diabetes involves making lifestyle choices that help control blood sugar levels and prevent complications. Below are 5 things that diabetic patients should keep in mind to manage diabetes in their 20s:

  1. Eliminate Dairy Products: Say no to dairy products such as milk, paneer, cheese, and curd. Ayurveda suggests that avoiding these can positively impact blood sugar levels.
  2. Avoid Fermented Foods: Steer clear of fermented food products, including dishes like Idli and Dosa. Instead, consider alternatives like instant wheat Dosa to minimize the impact on blood sugar.
  3. Limit Maida-Based Products: Say no to products made from refined flour (Maida), such as bread, pizza, burgers, and other items. Opt for healthier alternatives to maintain better blood sugar control.
  4. Choose Unpolished Rice: Embrace unpolished rice, with Rajmudi rice being a particularly beneficial replacement for white rice. These alternatives can be part of a diabetes-friendly diet.
  5. Prioritise Regular Exercise: Incorporate 30 minutes of morning exercise on an empty stomach into your routine. Additionally, adopt the practice of having an early dinner and eating only when hungry to manage diabetes effectively.

Personal testimonies of diabetic patients who have incorporated Ayurvedic practices into their routines indicate a significant reduction in external insulin dependency with the adoption of these minor yet impactful changes. By integrating Ayurvedic principles into diabetes management, individuals in their 20s can strive for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your diabetes management plan.

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