3 Ways To Fix A Leaking Hand Shower
3 Ways To Fix A Leaking Hand Shower
Sometimes buying a low-quality product also leads to it getting damaged quickly.

Sometimes water leaks from the hand shower of the toilet. While using the toilet, the water suddenly flows out sometimes very fast and sometimes very slowly. This also leads to water wastage. There is also a problem in using it. The water comes out without pressing the jet. Sometimes buying a low-quality product also leads to it getting damaged quickly. If the hand shower of your toilet is also leaking, you can try some of the things mentioned here to make it work temporarily.

How to Fix a Leaking Hand Shower in a Toilet?

1. If you have recently replaced the hand shower of the toilet and it is leaking again, then you might have bought a cheap product. A product from a good company will not spoil so quickly. If the leakage problem is temporary and you don’t have time to go to the market for a few days, then don’t worry. You can solve this problem without spending any money. Make a small ball of polythene and place it on the leaking part from where the water is coming out. If the water is coming out of the nozzle sprayer pipe, you can also attach a cloth there. If these tricks do not work, it is best to buy a new one otherwise water will continue to be wasted.

2. Sometimes the water does not come out properly from all the holes of the hand shower. Some holes are clogged. Only four to five jets of water come out. This does not allow proper cleaning after using the toilet. You can open the holes by inserting a safety pin. Sometimes the water does not come out even after pressing properly because of the dirt stuck.

3. Sometimes water drips from the tap part of the hand shower. It means the nozzle is fine, you need to keep the tap closed. Open the tap when you use it, otherwise the water will drip drop by drop throughout the day.

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