'Sorry Sonia ji, we aren't impressed!'
'Sorry Sonia ji, we aren't impressed!'
Suprisingly, most readers consider the step as a ploy to earn political mileage in the upcoming Assembly elections.

While Congress is dubbing Sonia Gandhi’s resignation as a “supreme sacrifice”, the ibnlive.com readership doesn't seem to be too impressed.

Or at least that is what we gather from the immediate online responses from our readers.

Within minutes of the announcement, readers of started responding in huge numbers.

Suprisingly, most of them consider the step as a ploy to gain political mileage in the upcoming Assembly elections.

Given below are some representative responses:

Atul: Its good politics that she is practising, but sacrifice, God, please save us from such sacrifices whereby.

1) she sacrifices and we pay taxes to run a parallel PMO.

2) she sacrifices and we pay for her to fight another election.

3) she sacrifices and the money that could have been spent to help wipe the tears from the faces of so many poor fellow us who would happily offer to die if they just have an opportunity to have a small peak into the lifestyle that she lives in.

4) she sacrifices and nothing changes in the life of the poor and needy as she sacrifices but almost 40% of this country will never know that she sacrificed because those 40% do not have moments to spare, they have to look at ways and methods to survive the next day.

Sanjay Podder: Sonia is an expert in playing sympathy politics. Coupled with that, she has a terrific waiting game in her armoury. When she was made Congress President in 1991 after Rajiv Gandhi's death, she refused - only to come back with greater vigour. Refusing the Prime Minister's post in 2004 was again to show her indifference to ambition as well as garner a lot of sympathy. And this resignation from the parliament is just one step backward before a final plunge, when no one would dare question her credentials as a people's leader. It reminds me of the famous Mark Antony quotation from Shakespeare's Julius Ceaser, "You all did see on the Lupercal I thrice gave him (Ceaser) a kingly crown which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition"? Sonia has indeed brought the ancient Roman Lupercal festival with her to India.

Srikanth : She has done something which would have happened. If some one who is about to be hanged commits suicide, you call it "Sacrifice" ? You need to learn a new meaning to "sacrifice" from Congress.(May be it means something else in Italian).

Thyagu: And we are supposed to think of her act as a sacrifice in the true spirit of upholding the Constitution, Blah, Blah, Blah. The people are playing a charade and making a fool of the common public. I wish they leave out politics and focus instead on governance. We would like to assure that Sonia giving up her Lok Sabha seat is not an epoch making event, by no stretch of means.

Vivek: Mrs Sonia resignation is not sacrifice something. Mrs Sonia resigned the post only after the pressure from Opposition. The bullet which was shot by Congress man attacked their own leader.

Anuradha Muthu: This comes with the bonus of a few naive Indians believing (and all at-her-service channels promoting) it to be the 'ultimate sacrifice'.

Pranjal Kumar Hazarika: She is not doing anybody a favour by resigning. It is mandatory to step down be removed, as per Indian laws. But the ambiguity of "office of profit" should be clearly defined now, by the lawmakers.

Suresch S: That was quite an audacious move from Ms Sonia Gandhi and it's laudable decision which has sealed the accusations of the opposition parties once and for all. I'm sure this would be an un-expected move for the opposition parties and now they've to scramble for some other issues to harp on.

Bijoy De: Sonia is just benefitting from the same Indian trait that enabled foreigners to rule over us for centuries. Bal Thackeray too never became CM but always had control of Shiv Sena governments. So what's the big deal about Sonia not becoming PM, while remote-controlling the Congress govt? Sonia is as good (or as bad, depending upon your view) as Bal Thackeray.

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