Solutions to tackle diabetes
Solutions to tackle diabetes
BANGALORE:  With obesity and diabetes taking an unhealthy escalation in the country, the Federation of Obstetricians and Gyne..

BANGALORE:  With obesity and diabetes taking an unhealthy escalation in the country, the Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecological Society of India (FOGSI) is bringing forth solutions to tackle problems, especially for pregnant women. ‘New challenges in pregnancy management in India’ is a unique programme for women’s health care.As a part of the programme, FOGSI is focusing on ‘single step to stop diabetes’.  Addressing the press, Dr Hema Divakar, MD, Consultant ObGyn, Divakar Hospital and President for FOGSI, said “Single step to stop diabetes is a programme with a vision to save the next generation from type2 diabetes and controlling diabetes during pregnancy.”Also, speaking at the event was Dr Sanjay Gupte, former president FOGSI. “Maternal mortality is very dismal in the country and FOGSI feels the need to pitch in with the government in launching this important programme,” he said.“Maternal mortality is 1000 per 1 lakh in India compared to western countries where it is 20-80 per lakh. Anemia is 69 per cent in India compared to 4 per cent in the west and 75,000 women are suffering from cervical cancer in our country with a stark contrast of 300 in western nations,” pointed out Dr Hema.Single step to stop diabetes is a comparable step where pregnant women do not require fasting to detect sugar level in their blood. They can give blood samples at any given time on any day unlike the two step method where women are supposed to turn up for blood tests at regular intervals.“The intention behind such a method is to make it easier for pregnant women, specially at the rural level, who are quite reluctant to turn up for monthly check ups,” said Dr Gupte. “Gestational Diabetes is an important issue and is equally prevalent at rural level. FOGSI is putting forward the protocol that the single step method should be made available at all hospitals both at rural and community level,” he added.

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