Sexy outfits may get you fired!
Sexy outfits may get you fired!
A radio presenter in Germany is taking broadcaster Radio Bremen to court, after it sacked her for dressing too sexily.

London: A female radio presenter in Germany is taking the broadcaster Radio Bremen to court, after it sacked her for dressing too sexily.

The 25-year-old RJ, known as Lady Ray, is now taking the broadcaster to an industrial tribunal and is claiming damages for unfair dismissal.

Lady Ray said that her boss had told her that the reason why her job was being terminated was because her skirts were too short and her blouses were too low for the company's liking.

"My boss told me that my skirts were too short and my tops too low. But I don't understand it, it's not as if any of the listeners can see me and my breasts don't speak into the microphone," Fox News quoted her, as saying.

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