Satellite to gather global information
Satellite to gather global information
Japan has launched a satellite in its plan of building a full global information gathering system.

Tokyo: Japan successfully launched Saturday afternoon an H-2A rocket and put into orbit a radar satellite, the fourth and last one in its plan of building a full global information gathering system, which enables the photographing of any point on earth once a day.

The launch by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency of the radar satellite that is the second one of the second pair of the four-satellite scheme, was initially scheduled for February 15.

But was postponed twice due to bad weather conditions around the Tanegashima Space Centre in southern Kagoshima prefecture.

The H-2A rocket launched Saturday also carried an experimental optical satellite which will be used to test the functions of apparatus which will be used to assemble a spy satellite.

Spy satellite, with ability to detect objects as small as 50 cm at ground level, is scheduled for launch in near future, reported Kyodo News of Japan.

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