RBSE 12th Result 2020 Released | The overall passing percentage of the RBSE 12th Commerce Result 2020 stands at 94.9%. The 2019-20 academic year saw girls pass with 96.94%, outshining boys, who have passed with 93.18%. The total number of students who have appeared for the examination was 36,549.
All students will be able to check their RBSE 12th Commerce Result 2020 at rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in, rajresults.nic.in, examresults.net, indiaresults.com, results.nic.in.
Rajasthan Board Result 2020: Merit List for Class 12th Commerce Result 2020
Overall passing percentage - 94.9%
Total number of candidates appeared - 36,549
Overall passing percentage - 94.49%
Male passing percentage - 93.18%
Girls passing percentage - 96.94%
All students are advised to download RBSE 12th Commerce Result 2020 provisional marksheet from the board’s official website after checking their marks as the original marksheet will only be distributed once the COVID-19 pandemic situation is under control. After downloading the scorecard, all students must check the details mentioned in the scorecard with that of the admit card incase of any error, please contact the board officials immediately. A class 12 marksheet holds a lot of importance in a student's life as it is one of the important documents required while seeking admission in college. All college admission forms ask for class 12 marksheet and number scored in the board examination. Students can pursue their area of interest post class 12.
If a student isn’t happy with the scorecard then he/she can send his papers for revaluation and rechecking. All details related to this will be communicated on the official website of the examination body.
Students need to score a minimum of 33 percent overall to clear the examination. In each subject, they should have 33 marks to consider themselves a pass.
Three cheers to all students who have cleared the examination with wonderful marks and grades. All the best for your future. Good Luck!
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