PSBB completes 55 years in style
PSBB completes 55 years in style

For the Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan group of schools, their anniversary celebrations are a big deal. Come July every year and the preparations for their yearly affair are in their final stages.“The preparations for the anniversary starts during March itself,” explained Indira Vaidyanathan, principal PSBB K K Nagar.

The three-day event which took place this year to celebrate 55 years of the school on July 18, 19 and 20, was a platform for students to exhibit their talent. “While some students participate in the cultural programmes, some of them help with stage decorations or in recording voices for plays,” said Indira.

Every year, the anniversary celebrations has a theme based on which the students and teachers put up a cultural show. This year, the theme was ‘Kaavyamrutham,’ music of the muse. The riveting performances took the audience on a cruise through a world of poetry and music.

Y G Parthasarathy, dean and director of the school explained the reason behind choosing the theme, “The anniversary celebrations always have some educational value and we wanted our students to learn about great composers.”

Mrs YGP, as she is fondly known,  also appreciated the efforts taken by the students to put up such a grand show.

“We practice for almost three months. The anniversary celebrations are not only fun but also teach us a lot of new things and helps us work as a team,” said Sadhana R, a student. This year’s anniversary saw a wide range of performances, right from the work of Tulsidas and Bharatiyar from India to international maestros such as Walter Scott and Mozart.

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