Nicole to sleep well before wedding
Nicole to sleep well before wedding
As the Keith-Kidman marriage preparations are finalised, Kidman wants a good night’s sleep before the wedding.

Sydney: Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman said on Saturday that she plans to get a good night's sleep before her wedding to country singer Keith Urban in Sydney as she said, "I'm going to get some sleep,” on Saturday night.

Urban is reportedly having a buck's night at an exclusive Sydney nightclub with musicians who have flown in from Nashville.

Kidman and Urban are to be married on Sunday. They are "very happy" about it, according to Kidman.

As preparations for the wedding were finalised, Sydney media speculated that Moulin Rouge director Baz Luhrmann, a long-time friend of Kidman's, would shoot the wedding video.

Details of the wedding have been kept under wraps all week as guests such as King Kong star Naomi Watts and Luhrmann jetted into Sydney.

Luhrmann, will attend the wedding with his film producer wife Catherine Martin, met Kidman and Urban on Friday night and he will reportedly be involved in "creative direction," which would include the wedding video.

"I am very happy to be going along to a happy occasion," was all a smiling Luhrmann told reporters after meeting the couple and the wedding party at Kidman's family home in Sydney.

Meanwhile, Kidman told reporters that Luhrmann was "part of the family."

Luhrmann had chosen the statuesque Australian actress to star in Moulin Rouge and directed her in a Chanel No 5 advertisement.

The wedding is expected to take place at the Cardinal Cerretti Memorial Chapel, a gothic-style sandstone church inside an old Catholic seminary overlooking Manly Beach.

While the location is a secret, a big marquee erected near the chapel seemed to be a dead give-away, along with the fact that Catholic priest Paul Coleman, who will conduct the service, comes from a parish a few suburbs away.

"To Nicole and Keith, congratulations from the boys at St Paul's," reads a sign outside a school opposite the chapel.

Kidman and Urban, both Australians but born overseas, met in January 2005 at an awards dinner held by the Australian government in Los Angeles honoring the two of them.

On Monday, they arrived in Sydney saying that they were to marry, sparking a paparazzi frenzy, with Kidman providing a photographic opportunity each day.

Urban has also been happy to be seen around Sydney, mingling with World Cup fans on Friday morning to watch television coverage of Australia's showdown with Croatia.

The details of the wedding however, have been kept under wraps all week except that guests including King Kong star Naomi Watts and Luhrmann jetted into Sydney.

"Nicole and Keith just want a normal wedding and to celebrate with their friends and family," Urban's manager, Rob Potts said.

The Sydney Morning Herald society column Private Sydney reported on Saturday that French fashion house Balenciaga has designed the bridal gown, which features high collars.

"White on white, with a splash of pink" is the theme of the wedding, it said. Kidman's adopted children, 13-year-old Isabella and 11-year-old Connor are believed to be bridesmaid and usher.

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