New amendment in law makes wife beating legal in Afghanistan
New amendment in law makes wife beating legal in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has changed a law so it will be impossible for anyone to testify against relatives.

The Guardian reported on Thursday that Afghanistan has legalised domestic violence by changing a law so it will become impossible for anyone to testify against relatives. This effectively gives sanction to honour killings.

The change in legislation has been passed by the Afghan Parliament and now awaits President Hamid Karzai's signature. It would allow men to attack their wives, children and sisters without the fear of punishment, the news report said.

"It is a travesty this is happening. It will make it impossible to prosecute cases of violence against women. The most vulnerable people won't get justice now," Manizha Naderi, director of the charity Women for Afghan Women was quoted as telling The Guardian.

Afghanistan brought in the Elimination of Violence Against Women law in August 2009. The law criminalised child marriage, selling and buying women to settle disputes, assault and other acts of violence and abuse against women.

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