Learn how not to feel alienated
Learn how not to feel alienated
What do you do if you encounter an alien? And what if one fine fine day, you spot a flying saucer? A college in Russia teaches you how to deal with such paranormal activity.

New Delhi: What do you do if you encounter an alien? And what if one fine fine day, you spot a flying saucer? A college in Russia teaches you how to deal with such paranormal activity.

The UFO and Paranormal College is run by the Ufology Commission in Togliatti.

Chairwoman of the commission, Tatiana Markova, says that the school was opened in response to renewed local interest in the paranormal.

"We teach people how to spot a flying saucer, where you should go to see one and how to react if you meet an extraterrestrial," she adds.

So, whether it is an X-files situation or a scene straight out of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, you would know 'exactly what to do.

Markova insists she and her colleagues are qualified to teach mankind how to deal with the first encounter with an alien race.

"We have studied several of the most popular flying saucer routes and filmed the phenomena we saw," explains Markova.

She adds that her team has lots of video footage featuring the type of UFOs that are called Belgian triangles. "They are frequent visitors to our city," she says.

Markova adds that after students learn the theory of 'Ufology' they are taken out into the field to practice their skills.

"However we are not going to take crowds of amateurs to UFO sighting spots just to satisfy their curiosity. We expect newcomers to extend our UFO-sightings map," she said.

(With inputs from Annanova.com)

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