Horny prisoner escapes jail term
Horny prisoner escapes jail term
A German was sentenced to a year's jail for burgling homes in the British army garrison town of Bielefeld. But he mangaged to escape prison sentence.

Bielefeld (Germany): A German was sentenced to a year's jail for burgling homes in the British army garrison town of Bielefeld. But he mangaged to escape prison sentence.

Why? Because he suffers from a permanent erection. Maurice Baumann, 32, had been admitted to the hospital as an "emergency case" for his unrelenting priapism.

But despite a week's treatment, doctors admitted they were only able to get his manhood down to "half-mast".

Baumann told a court in Bielefeld: "I woke up one morning with a hard-on. I didn't think anything of it - that happens to men a lot. But mine never went down."

Annanova.com reports that a medical report revealed that doctors stuck needles in his manhood for 90 minutes in an attempt to reduce its size. But five minutes later it was erect again. Ouch!

They also injected medication into it but that didn't help either. A court ruled that he could stay out of jail while his problem persisted.

(With inputs from annanova.com)

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