New Delhi: The government on Tuesday approved a proposal for permitting the management of Central Public Service Enterprises (CPSEs) to initiate wage negotiations for their employees. However, the negotiations are subjected to the condition that negotiated scales of pay would not come in conflict with existing scales of pay of executives/officers and non-unionised supervisors of the respective CPSEs.
"The Cabinet today approved the proposal for permitting the management of CPSEs to initiate wage negotiations generally effective from 01.01.2012, subject to the condition that negotiated scales of pay would not come in conflict with existing scales of pay of executives/officers and non- unionised supervisors of the respective CPSEs," an official statement said. It said the move would benefit employees of those CPSEs which opted for five years of wage settlement effective from January 1, 2007 "and they can now go for another wage negotiation for 5 years wef 01.01.2012".
There are 260 CPSEs in the country employing 13.98 lakh people (2.74 lakh executives, 0.31 lakh non-unionised supervisors and 10.93 lakh unionised supervisors and workmen) as on March 31, 2012. Further, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Tuesday approved the proposal for providing non-plan budgetary support of Rs 11.93 crore for liquidation of statutory dues for the period from 1.4.2010 to 30.9.2012 (Provident Fund) and wages from 1.4.2012 to 30.9.2012 to Hindustan Photo Films Mfg Co Ltd (HPF), Ootacamund.
"Payment of outstanding dues of salary and wages would mitigate hardships of the employees, thereby motivating them for better output and prepare them to achieve the goal of revival/restructuring of the company," it said. In addition, it added that clearance of outstanding statutory dues (Provident Fund) is likely to result in fulfilment of statutory requirement. The CCEA also approved the revival of the Nagaland Pulp & Paper Co (NPPC) through infusion of funds of Rs 309.38 crore, regularisation of inter se diversion of fund of Rs 54.60 crore. It has also increased the authorised capital of NPPC from Rs 150 crore to Rs 250 crore.
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