Get ready for some metal mayhem from Wolfs Lair
Get ready for some metal mayhem from Wolfs Lair

You may not be not be a metal head, but when Wolf's Lair hits the stage – by gosh, you will be headbanging. Hopefully not in a mosh pit though, because that can be scary. With their self-titled EP all set for a launch at a live gig on July 29, fans of the city-based metal band can be sure that as the band’s Facebook page promises, this one’s going to be epic. The line up comprises Mark Thomas (vocals), Manu Krishnan (drums), Vivin Kuruvilla (keys), Pharez Merwyn (guitars), Arun Daniel (bass) and Anshuman Mishra (guitars).

Says Mark, “We’ve got four songs on the EP.” A favourite hands down is Fragmented Forever. “I actually wrote it after my grandfather passed away. It was supposed to be soft and mellow,” he says, then drops the sentiment, “but it’s not.” Turns out the track is loaded with heavy drum work and complex time signatures, building up to a mega finish. “But the vocals are timid,” Mark adds with a pearly white smile. This heavy metal vocalist also happens to be a dentist, so go figure.

As regular concert-goers will remember, Wolf’s Lair took off after their former band Blood and Iron dispersed. Their first show was at the Band Hunt in 2010, in which they won first place. Since then, the band has performed at several shows in Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Ask about their wildest audience yet, and Manu responds, “Definitely the Hornbill Fest at Nagaland”. He goes on, “We had a crowd of close to 6,000 people. It was crazy!”

The more memorable part was their unpredicted train ride to get there. “We all arrived at the Chennai airport an hour early,” Manu tells the story. “But once we reached, everyone went in a different direction and we lost track of time.” Five minutes after check in, the band rushed in, equipment in hand. “But they wouldn't let us in!” Manu exclaims. As a result, they missed their connecting flight to Kolkata, lost close to a lakh in ticket money and were forced to take a 24-hour train trip to the venue. “Worst journey ever,” the drummer sighs, “but once we got there, it was definitely worth it.” Okay, back to the EP.

Mixed and mastered in LA by Ed Degenaro, this release is bound to set the bar high. Another advantage is the backing vocals by singer Ujjayinee, also Ed’s wife. “The effect in some parts is like an orchestra, but also very gothic,” Mark describes their final sound. He adds, “In fact, Ujjayinee will be joining us on stage this Sunday at the Bucks Theatre, YMCA.” Other tracks on the EP are Killzone, New World Disorder and the title track, Wolf's Lair.

For now, the group’s debut EP is looming large. However, Mark reveals, “We already have three tracks for a full length album ready.” Here’s a sneak peak. One song to watch out for is Dr Criminal inspired by a lifetime of watching shows on serial killers and all kinds of disturbing movies, even the ones that didn’t make it to the box office. “Think mad asylums, criminal minds and break down terror,” says Mark, all coming together in a spine chilling chorus. Suffice to say, it's going to be killer.

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