Fitness expert answers queries on working out
Fitness expert answers queries on working out
Fitness expert Suparna Kapoor offers tips on the right way of working out.

Jaison John: What exercise would you advise to reduce fat in the side part of stomach?

Suparna Kapoor: That is one area that most people struggle with. I will be showing exercises soon to tackle that particular area which we call the obliques. In the mean time stay away from unhealthy food including sweets, fried and foods high in salt like namkeen and chips as they make u retain water. Do some form of cardio regularly for at least four times a week. Keep watching CNN-IBN for more workouts that will target your problem area.

Reader: I am 16 and 5'3 tell. Please inform me of some workouts to gain hright.

Suparna Kapoor: You are just 16 therefore still have time to gain height. Usually till 18 and sometimes even a till 20, there are no specific exercises to gain height as a lot depends on genetics, but make sure you get enough exercise like running, biking or even do a sport. Eat green vegetables and consume protein that is found in eggs and chicken and fish. Also keep in mind not to lift heavy weights as heavy weights retard height, stick to push ups and crunches and very light weights if you must.

Debasish Das I have been facing a problem since I joined the IT industry. Before joining I was 64 kgs (about two year back). My height is 5'6". After joining and during the last two years I have gained about 15 kg of weight and have started looking like a potato with excess fat on my thighs, hips and waist.

My waist size has increased from 30 inches o 34 now. I am not able to go to the gym due to the backbreaking schedule.

Please advise the right mix of exercise that would help me to reduce the excess fat and make me slim and trim again.

Suparna Kapoor: I can understand that you must have very busy schedule but you have to try and take out some time for yourself and your health. Start by going for a brisk walk. If you feel you can’t take out about 40 minutes a day at a stretch what you can do is break up your workout, 20 minutes in the morning and then later in the evening. Walking is by far the best workout for you. You could even utilise lunch break by carrying your sneakers and keep them in office and just make the time. You could also invest in an exercise bike or treadmill to make things simpler. Trust me once you start it wont be that hard and will enjoy your new self. Also make sure to take care of your diet and keep watching my workouts to include them in your routine.

Murugan: I am overweight at a young age due to not maintaining a proper diet plan. I need to reduce my weight what r all the exercise I need to do. Please list out the food what I need to eat to maintain diet.

Suparna Kapoor: You can start by joining a gym or maybe even start a sport. You need to eat lots of fruits, vegetables. Include foods rich in fibre like whole wheat bread in your diet and stay away from refined foods like biscuits, white breads and deserts. Include chicken and egg whites and fish in your diet that is grilled or cooked in little oil. If you are a vegetarian have panner and curd. Also remember to eat consistently 3-4 times a day and eat smaller meals instead to of two big meals. Eat a good breakfast, a slightly smaller lunch and light dinner. Make sure u make good choices of food. Drink plenty of water and stay away from cokes and aerated drinks.

Sangeeta: I m 24-year-old working woman. Most of the office hours I will be sitting as a result I m putting on weight around my thighs. I saw the video clip in regarding this. I want to know whether doing that will be effective. What else do I have to do?


Suparna Kapoor: You can start with what you saw on the video clip which will work your outer thighs muscles. Do this three times a week, three sets, resting about 30 seconds between sets. I will be showing more workouts on thighs, inner thighs and hips on CNN-IBN so keep a look out for those. Also include a 40-minute walk 3-4 times a week. Give it a month at least to see changes in your body and let me know about your progress.

Harshak: I am over weight. Last month I had a asthma attach and after that I have put on more wait. My stomach is big and I want to reduce that. Can you please suggest me some exercises?

Suparna Kapoor: First of all, the most important thing for you to do is to get your asthma under control. You haven’t mentioned how serious the problem is so please let me know as I can be more specific. In the meantime I would suggest you do yoga breathing exercises that will control your asthma and also help in losing weight.

One is kapalabhati helps helps in losing weight and the other is alom valom for asthma. You need to get in touch with a yoga teacher or if not could you could also purchase Swami Ramdev's DVD from the market. I can assure you, you will see changes in your health and also lose weight. Keep doing the abs exercises and I will be coming up with more interesting workouts soon.

Shilpi: I am 44-years-old and 5.3ft /80kg weight. Since 10 years I have had a stable weight, but I was 72 kg before. I never used to take junk foods and sweets. I used to take a small quantity of food and used to exercise. When I started doing the exercises I started getting horrible pains. What exercises can to reduce my weight? Please also advise me about the right food I should take.

Suparna Kapoor: Stop using the treadmill and start going for walks in park. Walk for at least 40-45 minutes. If you cant do it, don’t worry, as your speed will build up in time. You could also join a yoga class that will help your joints as well. Keep doing the exercises that you see on CNN-IBN. Keep away from junk food, like sweets, namkeen, fried and heavy foods like curries and switch to whole wheat. Have smaller meals at regular intervals and do not skip meals. Your dinner should be the lightest meal of a day, consisting of fresh soups, grilled chicken or fish or maybe paneer with vegetables and some curd and daal. Eat rotis for lunch but avoid roti, rice and potatoes for dinner. Have a good breakfast consisting of egg whites, fruits, herbal teas and whole wheat to yeast. You could also have some milk if you want.

Raghav: I am 26-years-old. I had an attack of sciatica three years back and since then I am not into major workouts, except morning walks.

My job requires me to me be before the computer through out the day and doesn’t involve much of physical movement, therefore I am ending up gaining a lot of weight around my stomach. My body type is very lean and its really awkward to see the tummy with the kind of body built I have. I am 5.9 and weight about 69 kg. Can you suggest the kind of exercises to reduce my stomach?

Suparna Kapoor: Keep going for your morning walks but make sure they are brisk. You could also try swimming, as that is an exercise that will really work on those stomach muscles. Looking at your height and weight, you are not overweight, so don’t worry about your weight too much.

You probably need toning, so make sure you keep doing the ab crunches and I will be also be showing more exercises for the stomach very soon. Take small meals instead of eating too much at one time, this will help shrink your stomach.

Rajyalakshmi: I am 24-years-old and work for a soft ware company. I am very worried about my weight. I have a weight of 87 kg in a height of 5.5 & 5.6 ft.

I work in the shift of 4.00 pm in the evening to 3:00 am in the morning.

I know food and diet is important fact in reducing one's fat in the body so I take oats in the morning with cow milk and then juice in the evening. I take roti, vegetable curry, salads and small cup of curd without malai in the night.

On weekends I have non-veg including chicken and rice and wheat bread or broken wheat upma. After coming from office I have Top Ramans Noodles and sleep after half an hour or so. Since I stay in a paying guest I don’t have an option to cook.

Do let me know what kind of exercises I can do sitting at home because I tried to join the gym but it became a challenge for me due to my office timings?

Suparna Kapoor: I can imagine you have hectic schedule so let me first start with your food intake. One thing that you must keep in mind is that you need to eat more during the day and your dinner should be the lightest meal .The top ramen noodles are a very bad idea as your are just feeding your body with junk. Refined foods like biscuits, white bread and bakery products should be avoided.


Prajakt Bhalerao: I am 26 and work in a BPO environment where the timings are not fixed for anything. Nothing including lunch, dinner or breakfast is on time. How I can overcome with my stomach problems. I work from 6:00 pm to 4:00 am.

Suparna Kapoor: I can understand your current job situation and timing. I can understand how difficult it must be for your body to cope. What I would suggest is to do some exercise at least three to four times a week before you head to work like walking, jogging, biking, swimming for at least 30-40 minutes. Eat your meal right after that as your capacity to burn the food increases.

While you are at work snack on fruits, yogurt maybe a whole wheat bread sandwich. You could also have a cup of soup. Stick to whole-wheat biscuits and roasted namkeen. Before you go to bed have a light snack again if you are hungry like egg white omelets. Keep your body well hydrated with water and watch your tea and coffee intake.

Krishna Rao: I watch your Health Segment on Breakfast India show on CNN IBN. I would like to know a few good exercises to reduce the oblique region of belly particularly on the back- side (both left and right) of my hip where I have accumulated lot of fat. I would appreciate if you could suggest few good and effective exercises.

Suparna Kapoor: The main reason why you are gaining weight is inactivity. When the body gets more food than it can burn it stores it in the form of fat, and where everyone stores it differs from person to person. In your case it’s the stomach, chin and hips. What you need to start doing is get more active.

Include some form of cardio activity like brisk walking, running, cycling at least three times a week. While at work or home, use stairs instead of the lift.

Walk to the market instead of taking the car. Try and be active wherever you think its possible. Also cut fatty foods and junk out of your diet like sweets, fried, cokes, chips, white bread and refined foods like biscuits and cakes. E at healthy and drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day.

Geeta: I have a tummy and i''m unable to reduce. Please give me exercise diet tips.

Suparna Kapoor: The best thing for you to do is include some form of aerobic activity in your life three-four times a week for about 40 minutes (brisk walking, cycling, aerobics class, swimming etc). You can also include the exercises shown on CNN-IBN for your abdominal muscles which will help tone the area. Eat healthy including lots of fruits, vegetables and protein like chicken and fish cooked in little oil. Eat small meals four-six times day instead of eating two heavy meals. Stay away from junk and refined foods like chips, aerated drinks, white bread, sweets and fried food.

For queries on workouts write at [email protected].

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