KOZHIKODE: A detailed survey and epidemiological study will be conducted in Maruthonkara and Koodaranji grama panchayats along with Chakkittappara grama panchayat, situated near the cashew plantations of the Plantation Corporation Kerala Ltd (PCKL) at Perambra in the district. The decision to include Maruthonkara and Koodanranji also in the survey was taken in the wake of cases of physical abnormalities and growth retardation reported among the natives of Chakkittappara panchayat.A survey had been held in 2,840 houses in Chakkittappara panchayat during November 2010 to May 2011. It was following a direction from the state government after the endosulfan controversy.That survey, held under the supervision of the then medical officer at the Perambra Taluk Hospital, detected 15 cases of physical abnormalities in the area.Speaking to 'Express' on the new survey, DMO P K Mohanan said,''we have prepared a micro action plan and decided to conduct a survey in the adjoining panchayats of Maruthonkara and Koodaranji". The new survey is being carried out to figure out the actual number of cases of congenital diseases.The data collected from the survey will be used to conduct a detailed epidemiological study to identify the reason behind the phenomenon.The survey will be held in the remaining areas of the Chakittappara, Maruthonkara and Koodaranchi from July onwards. The doortodoor survey will be conducted under the supervision of Perambra Taluk Hospital's medical officer, with the help of ASHA, Anganwadi workers and health inspectors and junior health inspectors in the area.An epidemiological study among people identified with congenital anomalies will be conducted after the survey, to find out whether it is due to endosulfan or any other cause.The study will be conducted with the help of Community Medicine Department of the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital.
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