Eating to your heart's content
Eating to your heart's content
If heart patients can be creative and choose wisely, then they can push aside boiled food in place of appetizing food.

New Delhi: Having heart disease does not necessarily mean a life full of restrictions. At least, not when it comes to food. If one can be creative and choose wisely, then boiled food can be pushed aside in place of appetizing food.

Nutritionist, Dr Shikha Sharma lists some foods you can eat to the health of your heart.

  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits as they lower cholesterol. They are also chocker blocked with fibre and anti-oxidants.

  • Peas, whole grain cereals and lentils control the absorption of sugar into the blood stream.

  • Soya foods are also an option as they contain iso- flavons. These compounds reduce cholesterol levels.

  • Cook your food in soya or mustard oil. Never reuse oil, which has already been used for frying.

  • Munch on almonds. Nuts in moderation are good for your heart.

  • Bake and steam instead of frying.

  • If you are a non-vegetarian eat fist instead of meat. Fish like HIlsa and Tuna are rich in OMEGA3 fatty acids, which lessen the risk of heart attacks.

  • Go easy on the spices and don't over cook.

  • As far as possible use fresh foods.

Simple innovative tips cannot only make your diet healthy but tasty too and with these diet and lifestyle changes, you can beat heart disease.

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