Death toll at 14, Nepal on high alert
Death toll at 14, Nepal on high alert
Soldiers guarded Kathmandu's otherwise deserted streets, but hundreds of protesters gathered on the city's outskirts.

Kathmandu: Nepal's royal government imposed a new 11-hour curfew in the capital Friday, as an anti-king protester wounded on Thursday died, raising the number of demonstrators killed by security forces to 14.

Soldiers guarded Kathmandu's otherwise deserted streets, but hundreds of protesters gathered on the city's outskirts.

Thousands of troops manned the streets of the capital and tanks were deployed outside King Gyanendra's palace.

The King is expected to address the people today even as leaders of the Seven Party Alliance have vowed to continue their protests.

In the Kalanki area on the city's western edge - where police fired on protesters Thursday, killing at least three on the spot and wounding dozens more - about 2,000 protesters sat on the road Friday.

A large red and white message painted on the pavement read "Martyrs' square, long live the martyrs." Just beyond the protesters were police trucks and armored military vehicles.

"Long live democracy! The blood of the martyrs will not go to waste," the protesters chanted, waving political party flags.

More than two weeks of often violent protests and a general strike against palace rule have paralysed the Himalayan country, leaving it at its most volatile since King Gyanendra seized absolute power 14 months ago.

Government notices issued early Friday said the 9 am - 8 pm curfew must be observed in Kathmandu, its suburbs of Lalitpur and Bhaktapur, and in the resort town of Pokhara, 200 kilometers (125 miles) west of the capital.

The notices warned people to stay indoors during the curfew and said those who violate it will be shot.


They said the curfew was imposed "to protect the people, property and peace."

The protester who died at a hospital Friday was the 14th person killed by security forces firing on people protesting the king's rule since opposition parties launched the general strike on April 6.

He was among 26 people shot at Gulariya, 500 kilometers southwest of Kathmandu, during a protest Thursday.

A Defence Ministry statement said security forces had to fire because the situation was getting out of control.

The statement said 13 policemen were also wounded in clashes with protesters who vandalized government offices and tried but failed to set them on fire.

At the Model Hospital, where many of the wounded protesters - including three of those killed - were taken, doctors wore black bands to protest the shootings.

"It was terrible," said Dr Sarita Pandey. He said 66 wounded people, eight in critical condition, were brought in Thursday.

He said the injured included a 10-year-old boy with a gunshot wound and 5-year-old beaten by police.

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