What does a lizard mean spiritually?
Regrowth & rejuvenation Because lizards are able to shed their skin and regrow their tails, they’ve long been associated with the spiritual concepts of healing and renewal. Many cultures associate lizards with good health, vitality, and embracing the inevitable changes that we all navigate in our lifetimes.
Adaptability Lizards are able to change their skin color to match their environment, helping them avoid predators and stay hidden in the face of danger. Because of this unique quality, lizards are associated with spiritual notions like adaptability, resilience, and survival.
Good fortune Many cultures around the world see the lizard as a symbol of good luck, positivity, and prosperity. Some cultures say it's bad luck to kill a lizard, especially one that shows up in your home, because it represents good fortune on the horizon.
Spiritual illumination As cold-blooded reptiles, lizards need to spend a lot of time basking in the sunlight to warm up their body temperature for survival. They seek out the light for strength and healing, which is why many cultures associate lizards with sunlight, warmth, vitality, and spiritual illumination.
Dreams & intuition Many cultures associate lizards with dreams and believe they have the power to move between the conscious and subconscious mind. Some Native American cultures even refer to the lizard as a “dream walker.” Spiritually, lizards symbolize the importance of remembering dreams and paying attention to their subtle lessons.
Is seeing a lizard a good or bad omen?
Seeing a lizard is considered to be a good omen in most cultures. Throughout history, most cultures have associated lizards with both good luck and prosperity. If you cross paths with a lizard, take it as a positive omen. Green lizards in particular are thought to represent good fortune and positive changes on the horizon. Seeing a lizard inside your home is generally considered to be a positive sign. The only caveat is the lizard’s color–some say a black lizard is a negative omen. Seeing a lizard in the entryway of your house is considered to be good luck, and it can also indicate financial prosperity in the near future. Seeing two lizards together doesn’t change anything about the meaning–unless the lizards are fighting each other. Some people consider fighting lizards to be a bad omen and may signify illness in the near future.
Religious & Cultural Symbolism of Lizards
Native American symbolism The lizard’s significance varies a lot by tribe and geographical location, but positivity and good luck are overarching themes. In Native American folklore and mythology, lizards play crucial roles in the creation of the world, and many tribes consider the lizard to be a sacred medicine animal. Plains Indian tribes associate the lizard with healing, survival, and masculinity. The Cheyenne tribe believe it’s bad luck to kill a lizard. The Hopi see the lizard as a symbol of Dreamtime and hold its ability to move quickly and decisively in high regard.
Asian culture In the Eastern world, lizards are associated with good luck and prosperity, especially the gecko lizard. In China, the lizard is a “yang” animal that represents good fortune. The Japanese people revere the lizard as a symbol of protection. They also believe the presence of a lizard can guard one’s home from negativity and evil spirits.
Hinduism In Hinduism, lizards are associated with prosperity and good fortune, especially if you see a lizard inside your home. The lizard is a sacred animal, and Hindus believe that killing or hurting one can bring misfortune to your children and future generations.
Christianity In Christianity, lizards have negative connotations, which isn’t surprising since Satan is often depicted as a reptile (a serpent). In the Bible, lizards are described as unclean creeping creatures that cling to the ground. Some Christians believe that dreaming about lizards means bad luck is coming.
Ancient Egyptian culture In ancient Egypt, the lizard was associated with wisdom and divine foresight. The ancient Egyptians also believed lizards had protective qualities and revered the lizard's resilience and ability to survive in harsh desert conditions.
Celtic symbolism The Celts associated the concepts of healing, regeneration, and transformation with the lizard. In Celtic art, the lizard is often depicted as having healing powers.
African culture Lizards show up frequently in African folklore and tribal art and the chameleon is particularly revered. Many African regions see the lizard as a positive omen that represents wisdom and good judgement. Other African tribes see the lizard as a trickster and a messenger of bad news.
What to Do When You See a Lizard
Pay extra attention to your dreams and intuition. Lizards are connected to the dream realm, and seeing one can mean your dreams have important messages for you. The details of dreams fade quickly in our memories, so try keeping a dream journal or notebook next to your bed. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up and study them for patterns or insights.
Be ready to make a change when the time comes. Seeing a lizard can be a message that change is coming soon, so do what you can to mentally prepare yourself and be ready to adapt. Whatever the change may be, the lizard indicates you have the power and resilience to navigate the situation successfully. You don’t need to worry or be afraid!
Let go of things that are no longer serving you. Lizards are powerful symbols of transformation and renewal. If you see one, take it as a reminder to embrace change and shed old habits or beliefs that are holding you back. It’s time to break the old cycles in your life and focus on creating new habits to bring about positive changes.
Lizard Dream Interpretations
Be open to the changes that are coming. Having a lizard dream means a new era or set of circumstances will soon come to pass, and these changes are likely to be significant. The lizard urges you to face the coming changes without fear–you have all the tools you need to navigate the change and thrive in this new era.
Someone close to you may not have your best interests at heart. Some say that dreaming about lizards indicates a betrayal, usually by someone in your immediate circle. You don’t need to be afraid, but it wouldn’t hurt to pay extra attention to the people around you to make sure they’re lifting you up rather than holding you back. If you're getting bad vibes from someone in your circle, trust your gut.
Pursue your hopes and dreams without fear. Dreaming about a lizard can mean that you’re already in the midst of a major spiritual journey or transformation. The lizard urges you to set new goals and be brave during this time of great change. You'll come out successfully on the other side!
Lizard Color Meanings
The color of the lizard may affect the meaning in subtle ways. Not all cultures ascribe to this, but some believe the lizard's color may hold a special meaning. If the lizard’s color stands out to you, whether you see it in person or in a dream, you may want to consider it when interpreting the spiritual meaning. Green lizards are associated with transformation and renewal, especially with respect to life balance. You may need to focus on personal growth or learn to juggle the various aspects of your life in new ways. Red lizards represent passion and energy. Seeing a red lizard could be a sign to throw your passion or energy into achieving important goals. Since the color red is also associated with power, a red lizard may signify the need to be bolder and more assertive. Brown lizards are connected to the earth and grounding energy. Seeing a brown lizard may mean that things are a little unstable in your life right now, and it would be helpful for you to focus on achieving stability. Blue lizards represent intuition and clear communication. If you see a blue lizard, trust your gut about current events and relationships in your life. Work on your communication skills to express yourself with clarity. Black lizards may mean you’re clinging to the past and avoiding natural changes. If you see a black lizard, embrace this transformational period in your life and work on adapting to new circumstances.
Lizards as Totem or Spirit Animals
The lizard is a good spiritual animal when you need to embrace change. The lizard always represents the same thing–strength and resiliency in the face of change. Align yourself with the lizard when you need the courage to embrace the unknown. Lizards are quick-witted and resourceful problem-solvers–they can help you harness the energy of transformation and use it in powerful and positive ways. Cultures have different names for animals that can assist you on your spiritual journey–they might be referred to as totem animals, spirit animals, or power animals.
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