The Ultimate Harry Potter Drinking Games
The Ultimate Harry Potter Drinking Games
Planning a Harry Potter-themed drinking game night with friends? We've got the best rules to enhance your wizarding movie marathon. Even better, we’ve broken it down by each film so you can be sure there’s plenty of opportunity to feel the magic—just be sure to drink responsibly.
What is a fun Harry Potter drinking game?

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Sorcerer's Stone

Take a sip when... Select a few items from the following list, and take a small sip of your drink each time one of them occurs during the movie. Be mindful, as some of these events happen frequently throughout the film, so pace yourself accordingly! Someone uses the word muggle. Points are awarded or taken from any house. Snape seems questionable. You see an owl. Hermione raises her hand. You hear the main theme song. Ron makes a confused face. Neville messes something up. Hagrid says more than he’s supposed to.

Take two sips when… ”He who shall not be named” is mentioned. Ron says “bloody hell” or “blimey.” Someone says Harry has his mother’s eyes. Malfoy acts up.

Finish your drink when… A painting talks. Something explodes around Seamus Finnigan. "The Sorcerer's Stone" is mentioned

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Chamber of Secrets

Take a sip when... Someone or something is petrified. Mrs. Weasley yells. They say “Tom Riddle.” Someone says “brilliant!” Someone says “mudblood.” Professor McGonagall puts someone in their place. Draco is rude to someone. Animals do something magical.

Take two sips when… Someone speaks in parseltongue. Dobby punishes himself. An actual weapon is being used. Lockhart talks to himself.

Finish your drink when… . Harry alludes to his parents. You see spiders.

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Prisoner of Azkaban

Take a sip when... Someone says “Azkaban.” A dementor shows up. There’s a photo of Sirius Black. Harry casts an "Expecto Patronum" spell. Someone transforms from a human into an animal OR vice-versa. Someone says Harry resembles James. Whenever Buckbeak makes noises. When a magical creature appears.

Take two sips when… Harry uses magic in the Muggle world. Harry is told he’s in “grave danger.” Someone mentions Sirius Black. Someone says “minister.”

Finish your drink when… Peter Pettigrew reveals himself. The invisibility cloak is used.

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Goblet of Fire

Take a sip when... Fred and George talk at the same time. People are drawn from the Goblet of Fire. You can’t decide if you’re attracted to Cedric or not. Harry, Ron, Hermione, or Hagrid flirt with someone. You see a dragon. Someone gets asked to the Yule Ball. Two wizards touch tips with their wands.

Take two sips when… A Death Eater is on screen. You see Voldemort. Professor McGonagall says “baboons.” Mad-Eye Moody uses “the eye.”

Finish your drink when… . Ron gets mad about Harry being selected for the tournament. A new Tri-Wizard Cup round begins.

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Order of the Phoenix

Take a sip when... Someone says "The Order of the Phoenix.” Whenever they say “Voldemort.” Dolores Umbridge says "Mr. Potter.” Every time Luna is a little nutty. A new rule gets posted by Filch. A defensive spell is cast. A prophecy shatters. They teleport.

Take two sips when… Someone says "Patronus" or "Patronum.” Umbridge uses her power over others. Voldemort speaks.

Finish your drink when… . Sirius Black dies.

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Half-Blood Prince

Take a sip when... Bellatrix acts wild. Someone says “dark lord.” Young Tom Riddle seems suspicious. Someone drinks or a potion is consumed. They say a professor’s name. Harry says he’s the chosen one. Someone says “horcrux.” A Death eater casts a spell on Hogwarts grounds.

Take two sips when… There’s a flashback. The Weasley brothers speak in unison. A phoenix shows up. There are interactions between muggles and wizards.

Finish your drink when… . Someone falls under the spell of a Love Potion. Ron alludes to Harry sleeping with Ginny.

Harry Potter Drinking Game for The Deathly Hallows Parts 1 & 2

Take a sip when... Someone uses a portkey. Someone sees or talks to dead people. Voldemort calls someone by name. Someone says, “Dumbledore.” Anyone is fighting. Someone says "Stupify" or "Obliviate." Wizards morph into other wizards. Hermione says "death" in her story about the Three Brothers.

Take two sips when… Each Horcrux is destroyed. Nagini is in the scene. Harry speaks in parseltongue. Bellatrix is unhinged.

Finish your drink when… . A good guy dies. The Dark Lorde is defeated.

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