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This wikiHow article teaches you the different ways to chat in Valorant.
- To text chat with your team or party, press "Enter."
- To text chat with everyone on the map, press "Shift + Enter."
- To reply to a DM, enter "/r" in chat or press "Enter + Tab" and type a friend's name to send them a whisper.
Chat with Your Team
Press ↵ Enter to start a team or party chat. You can also use your mouse and right-click the chat box to start the chat. You should see "Team" or "Party" at the beginning of the message to indicate it's a message only your team will see. If "Team" or "Party" is not what you see, type /team or /party.
Press and hold V to voice chat. You can also communicate with your team using voice chat, which is integrated into the game. If you have voice chat enabled, press and hold V to activate your mic and talk. To enable and disable voice chat: From the lobby, go to Settings > Voice Chat and turn the incoming volume all the way down (or up) and your mic volume and sensitivity threshold. Click ON or OFF next to "Party Voice Chat" and "Team Voice Chat." You can also stream your gameplay and voice chat]].
Chat with Everyone
Press ⇧ Shift and ↵ Enter. This will allow you to chat with everyone on the map, not just your teammates. You should see "All" at the beginning of the message. If not, type /all to make sure the message isn't just for your team.
Chat in Private
Press ↵ Enter, then press Tab ↹, and search for your friend. You can only send DMs or whispers to people on your friend list. If you're replying to a DM, type /r to send a reply.
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