“Periodt” Meaning
"Periodt" is an exclamation that emphasizes a point or ends a conversation. The meaning of "periodt"(or "period’t") comes from the word “period,” which is often used verbally to signify that someone has said the last thing on the subject (e.g., “You’re not going out this weekend, period” or “That skirt looks amazing on you, period.”). "Periodt" is often considered an even more emphatic phrase. For example, you might say "Moose tracks is the best ice cream flavor, periodt!" to show that you really love that flavor. "Periodt" is a purposefully misspelled version of “period.” The added “T” provides more emphasis and follows the speech patterns of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), from which the slang term derives. Other slang terms with a similar meaning to "periodt" include “that’s that,” “facts,” “end of story,” and “full stop.”
How to Use the Slang Term “Periodt”
Use the phrase “(and) that’s on periodt” to add extra emphasis. Say this phrase after a positive statement you feel strongly about, like “This is the best song ever, and that’s on periodt.” Or, use it to communicate that you want to end the conversation, e.g., “You need to stand up for yourself, and that’s on periodt.” This expression is one of the most common uses of the word “periodt.”
Use “periodt” to indicate the end of a discussion. Say "periodt" at the end of a previous statement to stress that you’re done with the current conversation, either because you don’t want to talk anymore or because you want to highlight the plain truth of what you just said. “We’re not talking about this, periodt.” “This needs to end now, periodt.” “Susie is the cutest girl in our grade, periodt.” “My mom’s cooking slaps, periodt.”
Use “periodt” to hype someone up or agree with them. Make a positive statement followed by “periodt” to emphasize a compliment or adoring expression. This use of the term "periodt" is often used by internet “stans,” or extremely dedicated fans of celebrities. “You look amazing, periodt.” “That’s mother, periodt.” “Selena Gomez is a goddess, periodt.” “Yes, periodt!”
The Origins & Popularization of “Periodt”
The slang term "periodt" comes from Black English. In particular, the first usage of "periodt" is attributed to the Black gay community in the Southern United States. The expression was popularized by this community but became a mainstream term in the early 2020s via social media platforms like TikTok and Twitter. Black English is an umbrella term for the many varieties of speech used by African American communities across the U.S. and Canada. Also referred to as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), Black English is a legitimate dialect of standard English with its own grammar and pronunciation rules.
"Periodt" grew in popularity online during the 2010s and early 2020s. The earliest known appearance of "periodt" online was on Twitter in 2009, although it’s unknown whether the user’s spelling was on purpose or the result of a typo. "Periodt" (as well as the original spelling “period”) circulated more widely after rap duo City Girls released their 2018 song “Period (We Live).” Although written as “period” without a “T” in the song lyrics, the interjection used in the chorus to emphasize the greatness of the group is popularly discussed as periodt. In September 2018, Michelle Obama repeated "periodt" after a woman in the crowd shouted it. Obama used the term to express strong agreement and alliance with the audience participant. In the early 2020s, "periodt" and "period" both became mainstream terms used on social media apps like TikTok and Twitter. Although its origins are in the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities, "periodt" is often referred to as Gen Z internet slang because of its popularity among younger generations.
Some see the mainstream use of "periodt" as cultural appropriation. Despite the fact that this term originated with the Black community and represents their language patterns, white Americans have co-opted this term to the point that it’s no longer immediately recognized as a Black term. In fact, it’s more often referred to as “Gen Z slang” or “internet slang.” Cultural appropriation becomes an issue when historically marginalized groups influence mainstream trends and are then erased from that trend. As a result, when a white American uses this term, it may be considered offensive or racially insensitive, especially if the individual’s natural dialect doesn’t include AAVE. An important aspect of respecting other cultures, including Black and LGBTQIA+ cultures, is understanding these communities have originated and influenced popular trends.
Other Popular Internet Slang Terms
“Periodt” is one of many slang terms popularized on social media. While many of these terms have their roots in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), they’ve come to be associated with Gen Z due to the mainstream usage of the words on TikTok. Some of the most popular internet slang terms include: Cap: Said to accuse someone of lying, e.g., “That’s cap” or “You’re capping.” “No cap,” alternatively, signifies that the previous statement was the truth—similar to the term “for real.” Bet: Used as an affirmative statement instead of the word “yes.” It’s used to confirm a statement, similar to the Millenial term “word.” Mid: Signifies that something (or someone) is mediocre, i.e. in the “middle” of a range. Rizz: An abbreviation of “charisma,” having “rizz” means that someone is charming, flirtatious, and a smooth talker in romantic situations. NPC: Stands for a “non-player character” in video games. When used in real life, it suggests that someone lacks independence or mindlessly follows popular opinion.
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