Cleaning the Pillow
Check the label to determine if you can wash it. You can wash any pillow by hand as long as the label doesn't say that it's dry clean only. Memory foam and latex pillows usually can't be washed by hand and you'll only be able to spot clean them. If you have a memory foam or latex pillow, it's important to use a zippered pillow protector in addition to a pillowcase. This will extend the life of the pillow.
Take the pillow out of the pillowcase. Pull the pillow out of the pillowcase or unzip it first to remove it from the pillow protector. You can usually toss the pillowcase or protector in the washing machine or wash it by hand along with the pillow. If the pillowcase is stained, you may need to pre-treat it before you wash it.
Fill a sink or bathtub with hot water. If you're using a sink, ensure that it's big enough to hold the pillow. Run very hot water and then put the plug in the sink or bathtub. Turn off the water once it's half full. Hot water will kill dust mites that are living in the pillow.
Stir in a gentle laundry detergent. You can use a standard laundry detergent even if you'll be washing the pillow by hand. Pour 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of laundry detergent for each pillow into the hot water. Then use your hand to swirl the water around vigorously. This should make the water become bubbly. To make it easier to rinse the pillow, consider using low-sudsing laundry detergent.
Submerge the pillow in the water and massage it for a few minutes. Put the pillow into the hot soapy water and press down so it absorbs water. Then use your hands to squeeze the pillow and massage the filling. Continue to do this for several minutes so the soapy water reaches the middle of the pillow. If the water is too hot or the soap irritates your skin, wear a pair of gloves.
Rinse the pillow until the water runs clear. Remove the pillow and squeeze out the soapy water. Then hold it under a faucet with running water and squeeze the pillow once it feels soaked. Keep it under the water until the pillow doesn't feel soapy.Variation: You can also drain the sink or bathtub and rinse it out. Then fill it with fresh water and place the pillow in the water. Squeeze and rinse the pillow before draining the wink. You'll have to repeat this a few times. Plan on rinsing the pillow for 1 to 2 minutes to completely remove the soap. Leaving soapy residue will stain the pillow and make it harder to dry.
Press out excess water using a dry towel. Turn off the water and squeeze the pillow with your hands. Then lay the wet pillow on a dry towel. Fold the towel over the pillow and press down to remove excess water. Although you can twist the pillow to get even more water out, you should avoid wringing out feather pillows since this will damage the feathers.
Dry the pillow in a dryer or hang it from a clothesline to air-dry. If you have a dryer and the care label on the pillow says to tumble dry it on low heat, put the pillow in the dryer. Add dryer balls to speed up the drying process and turn on the machine. If you don't have a dryer, clip the pillow to a clothesline that's in direct sunlight. Leave the pillow to hang until it's completely dry. The amount of time it takes to dry the pillow will depend on how hot it is and how thick your pillow is.
Treating Yellowing, Odors, and Mildew
Add baking soda to the wash if your pillow smells bad. Your pillow will probably smell better just by washing it, but if you're concerned that it's really stinky, add 1/2 cup (260 g) of baking soda to the soapy water. Then wash the pillow and rinse it completely.Did You Know? Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can easily remove smells from fabric.
Soak the pillow in a peroxide-vinegar mix to remove stains and mildew. If your pillows are covered in yellow stains when you remove the pillowcase, soak the pillow in hot water while you make a soaking treatment. Stir together the following ingredients until they're dissolved and soak the pillow in the mixture for 30 minutes before washing. You'll need to mix: 1 cup (520 g) of powdered laundry detergent 1 cup (520 g) of powdered dishwasher detergent 1 cup (240 ml) of bleach (or bleach alternative) 1/2 cup (260 g) of borax
Add 2 to 3 drops of essential oil when you rinse the pillow for a nice scent. Add 2 to 3 drops of your favorite essential oil to the water that you're using to rinse the pillow. This will add a subtle smell to the pillow that will also cover up any unwanted odors. Some good essential oils to try include: Lavender Rosemary Citrus, such as grapefruit or tangerine Rose
Hang the dry pillow in the sun to deodorize it. If your pillow is smelling old or musty, hang the dry pillow on a clothesline in direct sunlight for a few hours. Sometimes just getting fresh air blowing through the pillow will make it smell better. The sunlight can also kill bacteria in the pillow that are causing it to smell.
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