Frangipanis have a delicious fragrance with overtones of peaches, jasmine, honeysuckle and apricot. If you would like to strike some cuttings to add frangipani to your garden, it is relatively easy to do. Here is how.[1]
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Take cuttings in late spring and through summer. The cuttings should be about 30 centimeter (11.8 in) / 12" in length. Always take cuttings from branches that are not flowering.
Place the cuttings out in the sunshine for a week. This will allow the cut end to dry out and form a callous. Make sure that the cuttings stay dry; keep them away from any possibility of rain.
Fill a pot with sandy soil or sand that has been moistened and well-drained. Root the cuttings in the pot of sand.
Fertilise with a high-potassium fertiliser. Keep in a warm place to grow.
Keep well watered and well drained. After a time, you should see some of the cuttings starting to strike.
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