What is James Charles’ Phone Number?
James Charles’ phone number is 1 (310) 905-8746. While you can’t call James directly, you can text 1 (310) 905-8746 to join his Community—a text messaging platform that allows celebrities to connect with their fans. Back in 2020, this was James’ real phone number, and he used to text fans personally. However, members of James’ team likely manage this number today, which means you’re receiving automated updates. When James first leaked his phone number on Instagram Stories, he received over 100,000 text messages from fans. Some lucky fans posted screenshots of his replies on X (formerly known as Twitter). When you text his number now, you’ll receive a link to subscribe to his Community with the message, “Hi Sister!! ???? James Charles here, thanks for texting me! This is my EXCLUSIVE number to communicate with you about exciting things I have coming soon. New videos, photos, merch, sales, events, & more! Click the link below so we can stay in touch! ????”
How to Contact James Charles on Social Media
Leave a comment or direct message James on his social media accounts. If you want to get in touch with James directly, getting his attention online may be your best bet. The only active and official pages run by James Charles and his team include: Instagram Facebook TikTok YouTube
Sending James Charles Fan Mail
Send fan mail and autograph requests to Painted by James Charles. If you want to write James a personal letter, compliment his makeup skills, or request an autographed photo, address an envelope to his beauty brand, Painted by James Charles, at: James CharlesPainted Co16030 Ventura Blvd.Suite 240Encino, CA 91436USA
Be sincere and include a return envelope to get a response. Briefly introduce yourself and explain how James has impacted you. Whether he inspired you to come out or start your own YouTube channel, specify what you love about him. Finish off with a polite request to return your letter, send an autograph, or answer one of your burning questions. When writing fan mail, use conversational language to showcase your personality. To make your letter stand out (and increase the likelihood of it being read), put it in a brightly-colored envelope or decorate the outside with stamps and stickers. Be genuine and specific to make your letter more meaningful. For example, instead of saying “I love you,” you could say, “Your tutorials have inspired me to experiment more with my makeup.” If you’re requesting an autograph from James, send your photo in a properly stamped and self-addressed envelope. It can take 3+ months for a response, so try your best to be patient.
Contacting James Charles’ Management Team
Manager: Sam Mangan (The Mangan Group of Companies) For all general inquiries, reach out to James’ manager, Sam Mangan, at [email protected]. Alternatively, shoot him a message on one of his social media channels: LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Sam’s Personal Instagram
Publicist: Scott Newman (Slate PR) For interviews, guest appearances, or other publicity opportunities, reach out to James’ publicist, Scott Newman, at [email protected]. Send mail or make a phone call to: Phone: 1 (310) 461-0100 12001 Ventura PlaceSuite 405Studio City, CA 91604USA
Meeting James Charles at Public Appearances
Red carpet events Search for James’ upcoming appearances on Google to see if he’s attending a movie premiere or music awards show near you. Find out when and where the event will be, and show up early to get a spot near the barricade—if you’re lucky, you might be able to snag an autograph or photo together! In the past, James has attended the People’s Choice Awards, MTV Music Video Awards, and Met Gala.
Meet and greets If you want to meet James in real life, attending a meet and greet for his brand, Painted by James Charles, is one of the best ways to do so! Just follow the brand’s official Instagram to get updates on upcoming events. Meet and greets for brand events are usually free, but you might have to show up a few hours early to ensure you meet James.
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