How to Make Your Scalp Stop Itching
How to Make Your Scalp Stop Itching
An itchy scalp can be very annoying, and also embarrassing, because many people believe that an itchy scalp is a sign of bad hygiene. While it may be the case that your itchy scalp is caused by lack of washing, there are a multitude of other reasons your scalp could be itchy. It could be due to cold, dry weather or it could be caused by a serious health condition. Whatever the cause, there are steps you can take to soothe your scalp and reduce itchiness.

Treating an Itchy Scalp

Wash your hair regularly. The simplest cause of an itchy scalp is buildup of hair products and dead skin cells. Therefore, if you aren’t already doing so, begin by making sure you wash your hair at least every other day. Use the pads of your fingers (the soft fleshy part of your finger tip) and gently massage the shampoo into your scalp. Rinse the shampoo out thoroughly with warm, running water. Make sure the water is not too warm though, as this could dry out your scalp even more. You can also use your fingers to “exfoliate” your scalp. When you are shampooing, reach your fingers all the way through your hair to your scalp and massage the skin. Make sure to do this all over your head, including the back. Don't scratch with your nails though, as this may worsen the irritation.

Try a medicated shampoo. There are several shampoos on the market that are specially formulated to help deal with some of the causes of an itchy scalp. These shampoos may include one or more of the following active ingredients: coal tar, pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide, and/or ketoconazole. Follow the directions on the bottle carefully, and if it tells you to leave it on your scalp for 5 minutes, then be sure and do so. This will give the product time to work. Remember that these shampoos will take time to become effective. Before giving up on a particular shampoo, give it a few weeks to really kick in. If it doesn’t work after that, try a shampoo with a different active ingredient, or visit your doctor. Don’t use a medicated shampoo every day, though. These shampoos tend to be very strong, so you only need to use them once or twice a week. For your other washings, you can use a gentle every-day shampoo.

Use conditioner. If you believe that the source of your itchy scalp happens to be the weather, or that the skin on your head is just a bit dried out, try using a good conditioner. Conditioner is meant to moisturize, so be sure to use it after shampooing. Don’t forget to rinse the conditioner from your hair thoroughly. Use your fingers to help make sure the water is able to penetrate all of your hair.

Spend time in the sun. It is believed that spending time in the sun helps control the fungus on our skin that is thought to cause itchiness. Therefore, try to go outside and enjoy the outdoors for a half hour to an hour to help deal with any itchiness. Be sure to use sunscreen on your exposed skin when heading outside!

Leave the hair products out. Sometimes, hair products or styling treatments can build up in the scalp and cause itchiness. Therefore, you should try leaving out a few hair products to see if it makes a difference. If leaving out one particular product seems to work, then you know what is causing the problem. Try to be systematic about it. Start by skipping one hair product to see if it makes any difference. If it doesn’t, then start using it again, and leave out a different one. Go easy on the heat styling, too. Applying heat can dry the skin on the scalp, so try avoiding heat styling products, such as the blow dryer, curling iron, and hair straightener.

Reduce your stress levels. Many of the different causes of an itchy scalp are exacerbated by stress. If you can, take steps to reduce your stress levels. Take time out of your day to go for a walk, or to do something you enjoy. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, take a deep breath and remember that you will get through it.

Visit your doctor. One of the best ways to deal with your itchy scalp, is to have a doctor figure out the cause of the itching. They will be able to tell you exactly what is causing your itchy scalp, and make recommendations for treatment. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription strength treatment to help soothe your itchy scalp. In some cases, this will save you both time and money. If you are trying to treat your itchy scalp without knowing exactly what is causing it, you may purchase products you don’t need.

Using Home Remedies

Rinse with apple cider vinegar. One way to help with itchiness is to rinse the scalp with apple cider vinegar, which has anti-inflammatory properties. To do this, you will apply a mix of apple cider vinegar and water to your hair. You can repeat the treatment once or twice a week. Begin by rinsing out your hair and scalp. Let it dry completely. In the meantime, mix equal parts vinegar and water together. If you use 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, then use 1 cup of water. Apply the mixture to cotton balls and then press the cotton ball against your scalp. Massage the solution into the skin. Wrap a towel around your head, and leave the solution on for 15–20 minutes. Then shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

Mix tea tree oil into shampoo. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal, so it works great at treating an itchy scalp. However, it is quite potent so it needs to be diluted before applying it to your scalp. Mixing it with baby shampoo works great. Mix 10-20 drops into half a cup of baby shampoo, and shampoo as you normally would. Be sure to give special attention to your scalp, though. Don’t scratch with your nails. Instead, massage with your finger tips gently. You can also mix 3 drops of tea tree oil into a tablespoon of vegetable oil and then massage the mixture onto your scalp. Repeat once or twice each week as needed.

Try an Aloe Vera leaf. If you have an aloe vera plant, you can simply cut off one of its leaves, and squeeze out the “gel” inside. This is not only an anti-inflammatory, but it is also moisturizing. Apply the gel directly to your scalp, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash out with a gentle shampoo. If you don’t have an Aloe Vera plant, you can also use the aloe vera gel you buy in a bottle at the store.

Massage coconut oil into your scalp. Coconut oil is also great for moisturizing the scalp, and is widely available in many grocery stores. You can either warm up the oil a bit (until it is liquid), dip your fingers in, and then massage your scalp with it, or you can use it at room temperature and massage the gel into your scalp. Leave the coconut oil on your scalp for at least 30 minutes (or even a few hours), and then wash out your hair with a gentle shampoo. You can repeat this treatment 3 times a week.

Understanding the Causes of an Itchy Scalp

Consider seborrheic dermatitis. Another common cause of an itchy scalp is known as seborrhea. This can occur in other places on your body as well, but is most common on the scalp. The cause of this condition isn’t clear, but it is believed to be caused by a number of factors, such as your genetics, high stress levels, cold, dry weather, and an excess of yeast on the scalp. This is commonly confused with other skin conditions, so it’s good to have your doctor take a look at it if you want to be sure of what’s causing your itchy scalp. "Cradle cap” is a type of seborrheic dermatitis that is common among babies and infants. It presents as crusty yellow or brown scales on the scalp. To treat cradle cap in infants, wash the scalp daily with warm water and a gentle baby shampoo. If it doesn't clear up, speak to your pediatrician about medicated shampoo before trying one yourself, as this could cause further irritation. For adults with seborrheic dermatitis, treatment includes corticosteroids, topical antifungal agents, and other topical agents with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Look for dandruff. Dandruff is one of the most common causes of itchy skin on the scalp. It is unclear exactly what causes dandruff, but it has been linked to an excess of fungus that is normally present in the skin, known as malassezia. If you have dandruff, you will likely notice small yellow or white flakes on your shoulders, or on your fingers when you scratch your scalp. Understand that dandruff is not necessarily a sign that you are dirty or unhygienic. Dandruff may be triggered by a lot of things, such as the weather outside and different hair styling products. Treatment for dandruff includes antifungal shampoo with or without high potency steroids. Over-the-counter treatments include the use of selenium sulfide 2.5.%, zinc pyrithione 1 and 2%, coal tar, and salicylic acid.

Rule out eczema. The term eczema doesn’t refer to a specific skin problem, but rather a group of different, but similar skin conditions. It is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease most common in babies and children, but adults can suffer from the condition as well. It typically presents as red patches on the skin that are very itchy. As with several of the others, the causes of eczema are not entirely clear, but it is believed to be an overreaction of the immune system to some type of irritant. Stress and anxiety, bathing without moisturizing afterwards, dry skin, over heating of skin, and exposure to solvents and detergents may exacerbate the condition. Treatment includes topically applied corticosteroids and emollients. Strength of the steroids used should be based upon body location, age, and degree of inflammation.

Check for raised scaly patches caused by psoriasis. Psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body, and usually appears as raised, reddish, scaly patches. Doctors aren’t sure what the cause of psoriasis is, but it may be related to an immune malfunction, which causes the body to create skin cells too quickly. Psoriasis is not contagious, though it could be a result of genetic influences. Scratching the patches of affected skin on your scalp could cause the hair to fall out. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition. Mild cases can be managed with topical treatment, while more severe cases may require phototherapy and prescription medication.

Rule out lice. This is a very contagious condition caused by tiny parasites that find their way into your hair. These tiny parasites live and lay their eggs on the scalp, and feed off of blood. While not typically harmful, they are very easily spread, and can be difficult to get rid of. If you find that you are suffering from lice, it is very important to treat the lice problem right away. It is very important that you get all of the lice (including every single egg) on your scalp, and that you wash all bedding and towels that may have touched your head. To treat lice you will need to use topical agents in addition to combing out the nits on your scalp.

Consider other serious diseases. If you are suffering from Parkinson’s disease or HIV, you are more likely to suffer from an itchy, dry scalp. However, remember that having a dry, itchy scalp doesn’t necessarily imply that you are suffering from something serious. If you are concerned that you may be suffering from a more serious disease because you are suffering more severe symptoms (in addition to an itchy scalp), you should visit your doctor.

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