How to Know if a Shy Guy Likes You in High School
How to Know if a Shy Guy Likes You in High School
Even though shy teenaged boys can be tough to figure out, there are signs and signals that you can learn to spot to see if one likes you. Being shy doesn't mean that they won't give off any information, it just might be harder to interpret or notice. By watching his behavior and body language, getting to know him, and interacting with him, you can get a better idea of whether or not a shy guy likes you!

Watching His Behavior

Catch him glancing at you. If a shy guy likes you, he might be afraid to talk to you. Instead, he will probably try to steal some glances in your direction. If you notice him looking at you, he will look away as quickly as possible. This doesn't mean he doesn't like you. In fact, it can mean just the opposite.

Notice him light up when he sees you. If he likes you, he might light up when you come around. Look for a smile and a twinkle in his eyes when he sees you. This might mean that he likes you, especially if he doesn't react this way when other people come around.

Take note of awkward interactions. If he likes you, he will probably be nervous around you. If he seems especially awkward around you (dropping things, stumbling over his words) it might mean he likes you. You can help ease his awkwardness by giving him your undivided attention. Also, avoid laughing at him if he drops something or stumbles over his words.

Interacting with Him

Notice him saying "hi" to you. If a shy guy likes you, he might not be able to walk right up to you and start a conversation. Instead, he might only be able to say hello. If he waves at you, nods, or musters a quiet "hi" (especially if he's not doing this for other people), he might have the hots for you.

Talk with him on social media. Fortunately for shy guys, talking in person isn't the only way to communicate. If he tries to communicate with you on social media (or by text message, email, or paper notes), even if he doesn't talk with you much in person, it could be a good sign.

Don't be upset if he talks to your friends. If you are standing around with a group of friends and this shy guy walks up and starts talking to them, it could actually be a good sign. It is possible that he is just working up the courage to talk to you by talking to you friends.

Give him your full attention. When he does try to talk to you (or ask you out), pay full attention to him. It might be very difficult for him to start interacting with you one-on-one, so try to be patient and focused for him! Remember: if he is awkward it probably just means he is nervous. You show you are paying attention to him by: Nodding when he speaks. Maintaining eye contact. Providing verbal cues (things like "sure," "yeah," "totally"). Responding when it's your turn to speak. Avoiding looking at your phone.

Noticing Subtle Actions

Watch him recall specific details. If a shy guy really likes you, he won't make grand gestures of affection. Instead, he will show that he likes you in small, sweet ways. For instance, he might remember details about you and things that you tell him. This shows that you stand out to him and he cares about you!

Notice him stick up for you. If a shy guy likes you, you might catch him standing up for you. If your friends tease you or say something rude about you (even if they are joking), he might quietly say they are wrong. He might say, "I don't think Jaime acts that way." He might say, "That's not true," or "That's not how I see it."

Hear him getting teased by his friends. If a high school guy likes you, chances are his friends already know. (Maybe he told them, or maybe they can just tell.) If his friends start teasing him and giving him a hard time when you come around, it might mean that he's into you.

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